Chapter 18.

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It's the first time when Isa saw Cat crying and broken like this...

Isa - And why Alec is this photo?? Who is the other man?

Cat - He is Alexander Lightwood. Magnus's husband...

Isa - W-What?? Alec?? I mean he looks like my Alec...*and Cat nodded*... I can't understand this...

Cat - They look the same... And the other man is your father.

Isa - My what? Okay... Now I am confused.

Cat - After Miya died, your father left and Magnus begged me to take care of you.

Isa - He just...left?

Cat - Yes... I don't know why and I couldn't find him.

Isa - So is he...alive?...

Cat - He was a demon, maybe he is...

Isa - A demon?... A demon can't feel love, Cat...

Cat - That's not true... He loved you, more than he loved Miya.

Isa - Not true. If he loved me, he'd be here... He wouldn't abandon me...

After a short pause Isa continue:

- But why can't I remember? If I am a warlock, then why...*she gets up from the couch and walks around the room*

Cat - I erased all your memories, blocked your powers and I create you different memories... I am sorry...
I wanted you to live a normal life.

Isa - How...*that was so hard for her to ask*... How many years?...*she asked but Cat didn't answer*.
Cat...How many years?

Cat - You had 8 years...

Isa - 8 years?... That's not...*but she saw an expression on Cat's face*. Cat?...

Cat - 108 years...

Isa - 108 what?!

Cat - You have 108 years old...

Isa - Okay... This can't be true. Oh my...
So...let me see if I understand...
Magnus is Miya's brother. Miya is my mother a demon-warlock, I am a warlock too and I have 108 years old?! Then...Asmodeus is...

Cat - Your grandfather. I moved here with you to keep him away... But he found you and now he wants to talk...

Isa - Well I am happy about this. He was the only one who looked after me wanting to talk to me.

Cat - I wanted to talk with you too...

Isa - No... If you wanted to, you would have told me already.
If they are dead...then why... Why Miya and Magnus are here?

Cat - What are you talking about?

Isa - Nothing... Too much to process...
I have to go... Don't wait for me... I will not come home...

She closed the door behind her and go to her car... Watching at the phone she had 5 missed calls from Isabelle and 10 messages.

*on the phone*

Izzy - Hei... Are you okay? I was...worried. What does Cat say??

Isa - Izzy...I don't want to talk about it and I need to be alone... I am sorry...

Izzy - It was that bad...? *she asked but Isa didn't answer*. Okay, take your time... I am here for you...

Isa - I know... thank you.

Izzy - I love you.

Isa - Hmm. Bye.

*end of the call*

She started to drive... Where? She doesn't know where either.

After they took a shower and get dressed, Alec prepare something to eat. Like a snack.

Alec - Want to see a movie???

Magnus - Sure...

Alec - Okay, you have that face again. What's wrong?

Magnus - Sometimes I forget how better you know me...
Alexander... If she will find that we had...

Alec - Sex?

Magnus - She is gonna kill me!!!!!

*Alec laughed* - Are you afraid of your sister?

Magnus - Oh, Alexander. You know her very well... She is a Demon in person...

Alec looked a little confused at Magnus.

Magnus - I want to tell you... I swear... But I don't know how to do it. I am afraid are gonna hate me, that you will run away from me...

Alec - I won't do that and I can't hate you, Mags...

Alec lifted Magnus onto the kitchen counter and sat between his legs.

Alec - You know, when I saw you there, in that restroom and your make-up was all over your face...

Magnus - When I looked like a monster?

Alec - Shut up. I tried to help you but I ended up falling into your eyes... You have no idea how fast my heart has been beating. It's heart recognized you, I felt like you have to be mine like you are already mine.
I like you, Magnus. I like everything about you...

Magnus - Alexander...

Alec - It's okay. You don't have to say that you like me back. I think sometimes feelings can't be mutual.

Magnus - It's not about that... I like you too... But it's something else between us...

Alec - Between us? Tell me... I want to know...

Magnus - I mean...not between...*he sighs loudly*

Alec - Okay, calm down. You don't have to tell me now. You can think about how you want to tell me and what. When you are ready, you can come here or call me.

Magnus - Okay, I will, thank you...

Alec - Good. You don't have to thank me, Mags. *he kisses Magnus's forehead*. Now, let's see a movie, or we can....go out for a walk.

Magnus - Let's see a movie.

° Isa

After 6 hours of driving, Isa took her phone and call her friend.

*On the phone*

Isa - Hei, what are you doing? *she asked parking her car*

- Sweetie, hi. Workiiiing. How about you? What happened?*she asked worried*

Isa - You really know me, huh? Well... Be here in 20 minutes. *she said sending a photo*

- Wait! Are you here?... What are you doing here?

Isa - Be here in 20 minutes. Or I will jump. 

- There is no need to make jokes like that. See you in 20 minutes.

*end of the call*

She sends Isabelle a short text:

"" Hei, Izzy. I am with a friend now... I don't know when I will be back home...  I need to process a lot of things, but I am fine. I am safe, promise. Take care of Alexander, please... Love you..."" 

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