Chapter 10.

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° Magnus.

He changed 3 shirts...

Miya - Come on... You are not getting married tonight.*she said leaning on the door frame*

Magnus - I know, but I want to look perfect for Alexander.

Miya - Hei. You look great.

Magnus - Great? Just great? Oh, I need another shirt.

Miya - By the Lilith... Don't worry about that too much, okay? You look perfect in everything.

Magnus - Fine... Now let's go.

Miya - Pandemonium? *she asked and Magnus nodded*

° Alec

Alec - What should I wear?

Izzy - Really, Alec? You can wear whatever you want but it's a bit cold outside.

Finally, he chose a turtleneck dark grey blouse, black jeans, and converse.

° They arrived at the same time.

Alec - Hi, Mags. You look...stunning.

Miya - He's just wearing a dark blue satin shirt and black jeans.

Alec - Yes. *he said smiling*.

Magnus - Well, I'm not ashamed of you either, Alexander. *he said and Alec chuckled*.

Izzy - Well I am Isabelle. Nice to meet you, ang- I mean Magnus.

Magnus - Nice to meet you too, Isabelle.

Izzy - Call me Izzy. *she said smiling*

Alec - Let's go to our table, then.

Maia came and took the order.

Maia - 3 cocktails and a bottle of whisky then.

Alec - Thank you. *he said smiling*

They talk about a lot of things, and after that Magnus listens to Alec talking about his job until he follows Isabelle's gaze.

Magnus - That's Isa?

Alec - Where? She said...

Isa was there kissing a girl passionately.
Magnus saw that Izzy shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

Magnus - Are you okay, sweetheart?

Izzy - Uhm, yeah. Why not?

Isa pull the girl closer and the girl giggled between their kisses.
Izzy suddenly stood up on the chair and goes to Isa.
Alec wanted to go after Izzy, but Miya stopped him.

Miya - Don't.

Izzy - Can you tell me what are you doing here?? With her?

Isa breaks the kiss slowly and looks at Isabelle. 

Isa - Hi. As you see, I have fun. Now sorry, I am busy.

Izzy - Are you serious?? Go home, you are drunk...

Isa - Why? Wait...Are you jealous??

Izzy - What?? Me?? No!!!

Isa - As I remember you came into my office and "put on my desk" your feelings for that Simon. Now you can go. I am sure you are here to hear him singing.

Izzy - I am here because you inv-... Never mind.

Isa - What? You suddenly don't love him anymore? Do you suddenly have feelings for me? *she asked smirking*
Are you thinking about me when he kisses you? *she goes close to Izzy's ear*. Are you thinking about me when he takes you? Are you moaning thinking of me?

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