Chapter 9

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Miya - How is she?

Magnus - Now...she is a little better.

Miya - Are you okay?

Magnus - I don't know... I am going back now... I need some sleep.

He opened the door when bumped into someone.

Magnus - I am sorry...

Alec - Magnus? Why are you here? Are you okay?

Magnus - Alexander, hi. Yeah, I am just tired.

Alec - I wanted to say about a coffee but I think you've already been drinking. *he looks at Miya*

Magnus - Yes. But I can go out for a walk. I need to clear my mind...

Alec - Sure. And if you want to talk about something, I am here to listen.

Magnus - Thank you.

° Harry.

He sits on the bench in the garden. Think about what Matt just told him. Harry was so lost in thoughts that he didn't hear the woman who appeared next to him.

Woman - What are you thinking about?

Harry - Oh. Hi. About...nothing.

Woman - He is nothing?

Harry - Just stay away from my mind. *he said and the woman chuckled*

Woman - I am sorry, but I am worried about my angels. So, tell me, my boy. What happened?

Harry - I think you know...

Woman - I want to hear that from you and you need to talk with someone about it.

Harry took a deep breath before he started to talk.

Harry - How should I be? He said that...He is in love with me... With me!!!*he laughed painfully*... Now?? When we are stuck in this... "world" forever? I can't...

Woman - He told you that?? Finally...

Harry - What...? Did you know?

Woman - Of course, I know. I know everything. But Matt was supposed to tell you about his feelings, not me.

Harry - And what should I do??

Woman - Do you what you feel. But you each other for too long, Harry. Do something you won't regret later. *she said and Harry rolled his eyes*.

Harry - I don't know... I need some time...

Woman - Of course, you need. What happened today?

Harry - I wrote everything in my report. I wanted to save that man but... I fucked up...

Woman - Oh, my boy. You didn't. Of course, Miya... She knows how to deal with this. But you will learn everything, don't feel guilty about anything. She saved his life in her way.

Harry - Yeah... I saw that. Thank you. *he said and the woman patted his shoulder before disappearing*

Matt - Here you are!!!!

Harry - What do you want from me???

Matt - Are you that mad?

*Harry took a deep breath* - I need to....think. I am not...mad...

Matt - Can I stay with you? While you are thinking...

Harry - I don't know... *after a few seconds of silence*. Okay, but don't say a word. *he said, and Matt nodded*.

° Alec

After a long silent walk, Alec had to go back to his office and Magnus had to leave.

Alec - Oh, I forgot. Isa called me...  She can't go with us tonight. She said sorry.

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