Chapter 23

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Isa rests her head on the desk, after an hour of crying.
Even when she heard the door open, Isa didn't raise her head to see who entered.

After a few minutes of silence, he spoke.

Alec - Where the hell have you been??

Isa - Here and there... Why? Were you worried?

Alec - Of course, and I am worried. Are you okay?

Isa - I am fine... Just, leave me alone. *Waving her hand, and the door opened*

Alec - What was that??*he asked looking at the door*.

Isa - Ou... It's...Uhm... Nothing.

Alec - Nothing? You did *he imitated Isa* and the door opened...

Isa - Alexander, it's... I don't want to talk about that. I need some time alone.
Oh, and...*she handed him a later*

Alec - Don't say this is...

Isa - My resignation.

Alec - No. I won't accept this. You need to rest, a vacation, but not this, please.

Isa - Alexander, to me it's more complicated... Try to understand...

Alec - To understand what?? You didn't tell me anything.

*Isa sighs...* - I will leave. I will go to Indonesia. A month, two, three months. Or maybe one year, two, or three years, I don't know.

Alec - What? Why?

Isa - I have something to do. I can't tell you.

Alec - What about me? About Isabelle? Did you talk with her? Izzy loved you for years...and now when you both finally...*he closes his eyes in frustration*.

Isa - And what about me, Alexander??? What about my life? I did everything for you. Even I started to work for you... Can you stop being selfish and think about me? Once... *she asked raising her voice*
I love Izzy, but it's not okay... I can't, we can't... 

Alec - Do whatever you want, then.
Leave us!!*he shouts at her and leaves the office*.

Isa's heart broke into pieces, but she thinks that this is the best for her, for Alec and Izzy. Or at least, for Alec and Izzy.

She packed her things and took them to the car. She gently placed the box on the back seat and closed the door.
When she opened the front door to get inside, someone grabbed her arm.

Izzy - Isa, what are you doing?*she asked angrily. *

- Alec called her?? Of course, he did...*Isa thoughts*

Izzy - I asked something...

Isa took a deep breath and turned to face her.

Isa - I am...leaving. I need some time and...

Izzy - And what? Do you just leave?  No call? No "hei, idiot. I am breaking up with you!" Or something...I don't know...??? You just....*she holds back her tears*.

Isa - I don't want to break up with you... I just...need a break...

Izzy - A break?*she laughed ironically*. I always wanted you...only you. I love you, Is. Stay...stay here with me... *looking Isa deep in the eye*

Isa - I love you too...but I can't... I am sorry...*she said, getting into the car.*

Izzy - If you leave, I swear I won't wait for you!
You know what, stay there...and don't come back!!!

Isa sighed, close the door, and started to drive.

° Alec

He returned to his office after his meeting. Alec saw the office empty, without Isa's things.
He texted Isabelle and she just answers...

"She left us, Alec... I have to work, I am sorry..."

° Isa arrived home, and for her happiness, Cat wasn't.
Letting the box on the table, she heard something behind her.
She turned and...

Isa - Magnus!!! What the hell...

Magnus - I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. What are you doing?*asking looking at the box*

Isa - Work stuff. But I am sure Alec told you.

Magnus - What he said was that you want to leave. Did you think about that?

Isa - Yes, I did...

Magnus - can't trust him. He is evil. Asmodeus can do anything he wants...he can manipulate you...
Do you think he can teach you something about magic?
I can do that too, I can show you the world. Who knows what he's thinking right now, or what his plans are for you...

Isa - You are dead, Magnus. You can't help all. *with those words, Isa hurts Magnus*

Magnus - Isa, please. He is the Prince of Edom... You can't trust a Demon.

Isa - I am one too. I am a Monster too...

Magnus - You are not a monster. And I won't let you go...

Magnus grabbed Isa's wrist, putting on a bracelet.

Isa - Magnus, what the fuck is this...?

Magnus - You can't use your magic and you can't leave this house. Only I can take it off.

Isa - What?... Are you...kidding me, right???

Magnus - No. You will stay here and think about that. I won't let you go with Asmodeus.  I am sorry. *he went out closing the door behind him*. I am gonna talk to him. Personally.

Isa - M-Magnus, please... Let me go...
*she said, pounding on the door with her fists.*

Isa knew that Magnus will stay there for a while.

Isa - Mags...please... Don't do that to me... Let me go, please...*she said starting to cry*

Magnus - I am doing this because I love you, sweet pea...

Isa - M-Magnus...*after a long few minutes *.
Magnus??... Answer... I know you are still there... I can That sounded weird...*she said, leaning her back against the door*. Look... I have to stay away from Alec, Izzy, Jace, Clary, and Sherwin too.

Of course, Magnus was there... Thinking and listening, even chuckling when she said "Sherwin" not Simon.

Isa - Maybe I can't trust him... But what should I do? I feel like I am starting to lose control, Mags.
What if he is the only one who can help me.?

Magnus - What about Catarina?*he finally asked*

Isa - Cat... All she could do was keep my powers under control. She can't help me with this, Magnus... I feel my magic growing every day, trying to get out. Cat played with fire and I will pay for this...

Magnus - Sweet pea... We will find a way, okay? You can trust me...

Isa - But how can I trust you? 

Magnus - Listen to your heart. Now I have to go... See you later or tonight. You can think about this one more time.

Isa - Will you leave me here alone?

Magnus - I am sorry... Oh, I left you on the table another phone. It's only your sweet pea number. I'll give you your phone back tonight.

Isa - I hate you...

Magnus - I know you don't mean it. And you have my number too, just in case. Love you, sweet pea.

Isa rolled her eyes and go to the living room. She took a book starting to read.

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