Chapter 27-The end.

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The day passed and he stayed with Isa till the sun went down.

Magnus - You need to be careful when you create a portal. Your magic is powerful. Don't be scared, okay? You do it great and you have Cat... Just talk to her.

Isa - Will you leave...again? Will you...let me here alone?

Magnus - I... I don't know... But you are not alone.*he said caressing her cheeks*.

Isa - After you will talk with will...forget about me?

Magnus - I would love to find a solution to stay like this... Not a mundane*he rolled his eyes*.

Isa - Maybe I can! I am a warlock, right? Let's find...

Magnus - No... You can't play with magic like that. You can open something else, you can bring...

Isa - Mags, trust me...okay? I know I can do it!!! I will bring you back, just give me...

Magnus - I have no time...

Isa - Don't say that. I will, I promise...
*she snapped her fingers, and on the table, a lot of magic books appeared*

Magnus - You learn very fast.

Isa - I told you! Now, go... Talk with Alec. I will find something.

Magnus - If you don't, I want you to know that I love you... Always have and always will... If something goes wrong, take care of Alexander.

Isa - This is how you trust me??... I am better than Asmodeus and you. *she said taking one of the books*

Magnus - You are like your mother. Wish me luck.

Isa - I don't know what happened 100 years ago... But Alexander came back. The real him it's here...

Magnus - How did you live all those years?

Isa - I don't know......I just remember these 25 years... But I feel old... *she said and Magnus laughed*.  Maybe Cat was thinking that one day you will come back, as Alec did... You were and are her best friend... So let me try to find a way...

Magnus - Okay, I trust you.

Isa - Everything is gonna be fine *and she hugs him tightly*. Love you...

Magnus - I love you too, my little sunshine.

After Magnus left, Isa started to read all those books hopefully, she'll find something.

Magnus was in front of Alec's door, but before he could knock, the door opened.

Alec was in front of him, his heart beating very fast.

Alec - Hi. You came... *he barely could say something*

Magnus - Hi, yes. I am here.

Alec - Come in. *steps aside to let Magnus in*

Alec - So... I prepare something for you.

Magnus - Do you know how to cook Nasi Uduk?

Alec - Yes...I don't know how but I hope you will like it. I don't know why, but it was so easy to make it.

Magnus didn't know what to say... He tried and he tried but words didn't come out.

Alec - Magnus... Are you okay?*he asked worried*.

Magnus - I am... Alexander...

Alec - First I want to tell you something .*he took Magnus's hand and dragged him to the couch*.
I started to have these dreams and nightmares.
When I have nightmares sometimes I die..., fight with demons, or... lost someone I love. 
And when I have those dreams, someone is always there. Someone who loves me, who takes care of me... It's like I am living a second life. Everything feels so real...and then I saw you.
In that restroom... Everything from you was so familiar. Your eyes, your face, your voice...

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