Chaper 8.

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Matt - Don't you dare to do something stupid like that again. *he said angrily*.

Harry - I was thinking about saving his life. I didn't expect this... 

Matt - You should just... Let him fall. What if I wasn't here?? *his eyes were full of anger. Harry didn't see Matt like this until now*

Harry - Matt... *after a short pause*. I am sorry...

Matt kneels in front of Harry.

Matt - I know... I know... I am sorry...*he took Harry's hand*
I... I've never felt that type of fear, I was terrified... Harry, I want to talk with you...

Harry - About what?

Matt - I...

But Miya appeared interrupting them.

Miya - I am sorry if I interrupt something. Daniel is fine. We had a long and deep conversation. You can go back and Harry, you have to write a report. I will go to see what Magnus is doing. *and she disappeared*

Matt - This woman...

Harry - What do you want to tell me?

Matt - Let's go back and we will talk after your report. Okay?

Harry - Okay...

Izzy - Is she okay?

Alec - Who?

Izzy - Isa.

Alec - Yeah. She is fine... Why?

Izzy - Just asking. I am going to see Simon. See you later.

After a few minutes, Isa came back.

Isa - I was thinking... I want to go out tonight. With Mags, Miya, and you. What do you say?

Alec - Mags?

Isa - Magnus... What?

Alec - Nothing. Okay, then. Tonight...

Isa - You okay??

Alec - Do him?

Isa - No, but I know that you do.

Alec - Oh. You did this for me?

Isa - Of course, idiot. I saw him and I  thought it would be a good idea to buy them a drink or something.
You can see your angel again. *she said smiling*

Alec - Thank you. *he said smiling*

Isa - I have to go now. Asmodeus invited me for a drink.

Alec - Him? Why?

Isa - I don't know. Relax, everything's gonna be fine.

Alec - Text me, okay?*he asked and Isa nodded*


Harry - That was exhausting... *after a few minutes of silence*
Matt, are you okay?

Matt - What? Yeah... I am fine... Just thinking...

Harry - You wanted to tell me something. What? *he asked sitting on the bed next to Matt*

Matt - Uhm... I... I am in love...

Harry - Okay...*Matt could feel a little disappointment in Harry's voice*

Matt - With...Uhm...*he tried to say but the words couldn't come out*.

Harry - Stop...*he put his hand on Matt's thigh*. Take a deep breath and look at me.

Matt - I... I can't breathe...

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