Chapter 12

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Magnus slowly opened the door and leaned on the door frame looking at Alec.

Alec - Isa, do you think he will...*but froze when he saw Magnus at the door*. Ou, you are not Isa. Hi Mags. What are you doing here?

Magnus - Hi. She told me you are here and you are not in a good mood, but... I see something else. Did you order coffee?

Alec - Well... I was a little distracted, but I am okay now and yes, I did. Thank you. Where is she?

Magnus - Outside with Miya. What are you working on now?*he asked approaching Alec*

Alec - I help Isa a little. My client asked for her help with something. But I don't know how to do it. She knows about different things.

Magnus - Can I take a look?*he asked and Alec nodded*

Alec - He said that he wants to change the atmosphere a little.

Magnus - Okay.*he said going close to Alec*. Well...*and he stopped*.

- Is this *Magnus thought*.

Alec - Magnus, are you okay? *he said stroking his arm*

Magnus - Yes. I am fine... *he faked his smile*. You did it perfectly... And Isa too. I think he is gonna love it.

Alec - But I don't know if Isa is gonna like it.

Magnus - She'll like it...

Alec - What's wrong?*he grabbed Magnus's hand*.

Magnus - Nothing, Alexander. I just remembered something... Uhm I have to go now. I am sorry...*he said without looking at Alec*

Alec - Magnus, look at me. *Placing his index finger on Magnus' chin, making him look into his eyes.*

Magnus - I am fine, it's nothing important... And you have work to do...

Alec just looked at Magnus. He was lost in those dark brown eyes and those pink lips.

He gently grabbed Magnus by the throat and pulled him slightly closer.
Before Magnus could react, Alec pressed his lips on Magnus's.

A few seconds later, Magnus breaks the kiss.

Magnus - This is not okay, Alexander.

Alec - Why not? Because we are in my office? *he asked kissing Magnus again*

Magnus - No. *he tried to say*.

- Because I'm starting to feel addicted to your kisses. Because I can fuck up everything...Because I can lose control because...Oh, fuck it! *Magnus thought*.

Magnus put his hand on Alec's chest, slowly pushing him to the wall, without breaking the kiss.

Alec gently bites Magnus's lower lip, and he lets Alec inside gladly, fighting for dominance.

When they parted to take some air, Alec rest his forehead on Magnus's.

Alec - I don't know why and how I forget about our first kiss.

Magnus - What do you mean?*he said trying to control his breathing*

Alec - From last night, in that restroom.

Magnus - Do you remember?*he asked confused*

Alec - Maybe I was too drunk. *he said chuckling *. But now I remember and I missed you... *giving Magnus a short and soft kiss*. Now go, Miya is waiting for you.

Magnus - Yes, I should go... Goodbye...

Alec - May I... dare to ask you something? *he asked and Magnus nodded*. I don't want to say "Goodbye" to you, so can we say "See you later"? Or " See you next time"?

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