Chapter 14.

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*3 hours later*

➰ Isa - D-Don't leave me... P-please.*she said crying*

- I am so sorry... T-take care of you, my beautiful daughter...

Isa - M-Mom...

- Biscuit, let's go...*said a man*

Isa - No. I won't let her...

- She is...dead... Let's go, please.

Isa - I said No!!!

- Catarina, take her away. Make her forget it if you have to *he said kneeling in front of Isa*... I love you, sweet pea. No matter what will happen and I know your mother loved you...➰

Isa - No...

Izzy - Babe, wake up... Isa...

Isa slowly open her eyes, looking confused at Izzy.

Isa - W-who are you...?

Izzy - It's me, Isabelle...

After a few minutes of silence.

Isa - Oh... Izzy... I am...sorry... I couldn't remember about you... I don't know why...

Izzy - Don't worry. It was a nightmare.  *she said hugging her tightly*.

Isa - It feels so real... I am sorry.

Izzy - It's okay, I love you.

Isa - I-I love you...too.

Izzy kissed her forehead.

Isa - I have to go... To give Asmodeus this project. I will be right back in an hour or two.

Izzy - Can I stay here? And wait for you? Or do you want me to go with you?

Isa - No, babe. You can wait here.

Izzy - Okay. Take care of yourself and drive safe. *she gave Isa a short kiss*

° Alec.

He was in his office when he received a message from his father. Robert said that finally, he was happy and free.

Alec didn't answer back. He just called that person who pops into his mind.

*On the phone*

Alec - Hi, Mags. It's me. Alec... Alexander.

Magnus - Hi, Alexander. How are you?

Alec - I am... Do you have some free time? Can I see you?

Magnus - Yes. Do you want to meet somewhere or can I...

Alec - I will send you my address.

Magnus - Your address?

Alec - Yes. If that's okay for you too.

Magnus - Sure, pretty boy. I will be there in 15 minutes. Or do you want to meet later?

Alec - It's perfect. Thank you...

Magnus - No need to thank me. See you.

*End of the call*

° Magnus took a shower, dressed in black jeans and a burgundy shirt.
Before he got to Alec's apartment, he stopped at a bakery.

Of course, he arrived first and waited for Alec for 5 more minutes.

Alec - I am so sorry...

Magnus - Don't worry.*he said smiling*. This is for you. I wanted to make your day a little sweeter.

Alec - You already did, when you agreed to see me. *he said opening the door*. Come in. Are you hungry? Or do we eat the cake?

Magnus - No, I am good. We can wat the cake. But if you are...

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