Chapter 25.

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Harry - say that you want to tell Alec everything?

Magnus - I need to do it, to talk with him about that but I am scared...

Harry - You don't have to be scared, Magnus. He loved you 100 years ago, I am sure he still loves you.
And from what you told me, he died to protect you...

Magnus - But I couldn't save him...

Harry - I am sure he will understand. Just talk to him.

Magnus - I will...thank you. Now go, maybe Matt is waiting for you.

Harry - Maybe. Now go. Good luck, buddy.

Magnus - Thank you.

After Harry left the room, Magnus took his phone and called Alexander.

Telling Magnus that he is still at his office, alone, Magnus went right there in just a few minutes.

Knocking at the door, he heard a tired voice.

Alec - Come in.

Magnus - Hi. I brought some coffee.

Alec - Hmmmm...*he gets up from his office, going straight to Magnus hugging him*. I missed you...

Magnus - I missed you too... I want to talk with you about something.

Alec - You can let the coffee on that table. *he said and when Magnus goes to the table, Alec locked the door*.

Magnus - Alexander this is something imp...

But when he turned, Alec pressed his lips on Magnus's, and Alec's hands were wrapped around Magnus's waist pulling him close.

Alec - I missed you so much...*he said between kisses*

Magnus - I missed you more...but we...

Alec could hear the fear in Magnus's voice.

Alec - Shhh...can we talk about that later? Please...

Alec lifted him by his thighs and sit on the couch with Magnus on his lap.

Alec - Now just...kiss me, Magnus.

And that's what Magnus did.
They kissed like they didn't kiss for ages. Magnus buried his right hand in Alec's messy hair deepened the kiss, and the left hand caressed Alec's back under the t-shirt.

They get off their t-shirts and Alec started to kiss Magnus's neck, leaving a few small marks on his skin.

Magnus pulled Alec's hair a bit roughly.

Magnus - I am sorry.

Alec - Did I say something?*he asked looking into Magnus's eyes*

Magnus - No, but...

Alec - Then? Don't you want this?

Magnus - I want this...*he said breathing heavily*. I want you...

Alec - Then show me. *he said smirking*.

Alec's office was filled with their moans, their kisses, and their love.

Magnus - The coffee should be cold by now.

Alec - Uhm. Love you. Love it...the coffee. the coffee...?*he said stammering and Magnus giggling*.

He stood up, took the coffee, and handed it to Alec.

Alec - To us.

Magnus - T-to us...*he said without looking at Alec.*

Alec - What's wrong? Do you want to talk about that now? Maybe you will...

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