Chapter 19

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- Sweet pea...

Isa - Hi...*she said with tears in her eyes*

- What happened...? Why are you crying?...*she asked hugging Isa tightly*

Isa - I don't know how to tell you... I don't know how to start...

- Take a deep breath and calm down.
Do you want to drink something? A coffee? Water?

Isa - A coffee sounds great...

- Okay, then let me go buy some coffee.

And Isa waited outside for 10 minutes.

- So tell me. *she handed Isa a cup of coffee*

Isa - You know that I told you about my dreams and Alec's dreams? *she asked*

- Yes...*she took a sip from the cup*

Isa - I have...108 years old...*she said and with this, her friend choked on her coffee*

- What?! Are you...serious?

Isa started to tell everything that Cat told her...

- Wow... So your dreams and Alexander's dreams...

Isa - Yeah... I am a warlock.

- You wanted to be one. Dreams come true.

Isa - Careful what you wish for... * she drinks from her coffee*. I wanted, but now being one... I am scared...

- Sweetheart...*she caresses Isa's back*.

Isa - Can I stay with you tonight?...
Your man will accept?

- Sure, sweetie. Why not? Anyway, you can't drive back home like this... And I won't let you...

Isa - ... Thank you...

- Have you talked with Isabelle? Or text her? To not worry about you

Isa - Yes, I did... Maybe I will call her again later. I don't know what to say to her... How to say...

- You will figure it out. You are a smart woman, sweetie.

Isa - Yeah, right...

- Will you be able to drive to my house?

Isa - Yes... I guess...

When they arrived at her friend's house, she shows Isa a room where can sleep.

- If you want to drink something, there you can find the bottles. If you need something else, you can tell me.

Isa - Thank you. Maybe I will drink something. Go and sleep or work, I will be fine...

- Are you sure???

Isa - Yeah... Good night.

- I will work a little before.

Isa took her phone and turn it on. She has a lot of phone calls and messages from Alec.
When she wanted to read one of the messages, the phone started ringing.

*on the phone*

Isa - Yes, Alec.

Alec - Thanks, God... Where are you??? Why your phone was closed??? Are you okay???

Isa - I am fine, Alexander... I told Izzy...*but she was cut by Alec's words*

Alec - I don't care if you told Isabelle or not!!!. You...didn't write me... She is more important than me?...

Isa - No... She is not*she said laughing*... I am sorry. I am with a friend now. See you tomorrow.

Alec - Isa... What are you... What Cat told you?...

Isa - We will talk tomorrow, I promise... I can't tell you on the phone...

Alec - Okay... Thank you for being alive...

Isa - Love you, Alec.

Alec - It's the... Are you sure you're okay?

Isa - I know... I am fine... Bye.

Alec - I love you too, idiot... Bye.

*end of the call*.

After two hours, Isa couldn't sleep. She took a bottle of red wine, and glass, and goes onto the balcony.

Alec - I don't know what happened to her...

Magnus - Alexander, maybe she needs some time alone.

Alec - You dont know her, Mags... Now she needs someone...

Magnus - You said that she is with a friend... Then let her. You don't have to worry about that. Let's sleep...

Alec - Okay... Let's go to bed. Oh, I will give you my pajamas.

Magnus - Pajamas? Do I need them?*he asked entering into the room*

Alec laughed and push Magnus onto the bed, climbing on him.

Alec - Maybe you don't. *he said smirking*. You can sleep naked, I don't mind.*he continue and Magnus laughed*.

Magnus - I am sure you don't. *he rolled Alec being on top*. Are you not tired? You have to go to work tomorrow.

Alec - I am not tired of you.

Magnus - No? *he asked kissing Alec's neck, jawline, and lips*.

Alec breaks the kiss and looked into Magnus's eyes.

Alec - You are so.....

Magnus - So...?

Alec - I don't know how to explain, Magnus. You are so unreal... I would love to keep you forever.*with that Alec rolled Magnus, being on top of him*.

And he closed the distance kissing Magnus. Their lips moving at the same rhythm, Magnus's arms around Alec's neck and Alec caressing Magnus's body. They wanted that moment to last forever...

° Isa.

- Can't you sleep?

Isa - Sweet pea...No, I can't... I am trying to...but I can't... I don't know why Cat didn't tell me. I am a...
I am horrible... I am...a monster... 108 years old and a warlock. You know, sounded nice when I was thinking but now... Being one...

- For a 108-year warlock, you are very beautiful and very young.

Isa - Thank you, sweet as always.

- Sweetheart, you are not a horrible person and not a monster. You are an amazing person, trust me. And maybe Cat wanted to protect you...
She loves you...

Isa - I don't know...and what about Magnus? And Miya... Why did she say they are dead...?
Magnus and Miya are there...alive...
Wait... About her...she doesn't know about me...

- She doesn't know that you are her daughter?

Isa - No... But I think Magnus feels something... head...

- Stop drinking...

Isa - No... Please, biscuit... I need it. I need to think...

- And if you are drunk, you can think better???

Isa - Yes. You go and sleep, it's late.

- But are you okay?

Isa - Hmmm... I am fine, love you. Good night.

- Okay, good night. I love you too.

° Magnus.

After a lot of kisses and talking, and laughing, Alec falls asleep in Magnus's arms.

Magnus couldn't sleep, he just watched how peacefully his love slept, until he heard a sound coming from the kitchen.

He gently laid Alec down on the bed, got up, and go into the kitchen.

Magnus - What are you doing here? How did you?...

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