Chapter 6.

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° Miya.

- Magnus, can I come in?

Magnus - Yes. What did the director want to talk to you about?

Miya - We have a new department. We have to save humans who want to commit suicide. We can keep Matt and Harry. Have you talked with them? Or see them?

Magnus - No. And that's an interesting department.
Who are you calling?

Miya - I will text Matt. I want to talk with him about you know, Harry.

Magnus - Oh, yeah. Why they didn't talk already?

Miya - I don't know. But I am gonna find out. How are you feeling?

Magnus - I am fine. I am thinking if I am gonna see him...again.

Miya - You will. The director, I mean Al, told me that Alec saw you the way you are. Dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Maybe you found him...
But now, we need to see what we are gonna do. You can't go to him and...

Magnus - I know, Miya. I know.

Matt - Do you want to talk with me???*he asked knocking at the door*

Miya - Yes. Come in.
I wanted to talk with you about Harry.

Matt - Uhm, okay. What is... Something happened to him??*he asked a little panicked*

Magnus - No. Not at all. I saw that he is a little...hurt.

Matt - Hurt? Why?

Miya - I think Harry loves you.

Matt - What?? No, I don't think so... We are best friends and...

Miya - Don't be an idiot, Matt. That is why the director kept you together. Do you love him too...

Matt looked at the floor... He didn't know what to say... He was embarrassing.

Magnus - Hei, it's okay. You don't have to hide this. It's normal... *Magnus said putting his hand on Matt's shoulder*

Matt - Normal...? Do you know what normal is?

Magnus - It's normal, Matt. My soulmate is a man too.

Matt - And then...why are you here??

Magnus - I couldn't accept his death... And I can't reincarnate. I need to find him, but I can't remember his name, or what he looks like... Miya thinks that can be Alexander but maybe it's just a coincidence...*after a short pause*.
Harry is here, with you. I don't know what happened but...go and tell him, talk with him.

Matt - I don't know...

Miya - Wait... How long have you loved him? *She asked but he didn't answer*. Matt...?

Matt - We worked together and...

Miya - What? Why didn't you talk to him sooner?... Now after you died?..

Matt - I... I couldn't...

Magnus - But now you can. Do you want me to help you with that?

Matt - No... I will try...

Miya - Don't try just do it.

Matt - Okay...*he smiled*.

Miya - Now, let's call Harry to talk about our new department.

° Alec.

Catarina come home and saw Alec on the balcony. She goes to him, put her hand on his shoulder, and Alec flinched at her touch.

Cat - Oh, sorry... I didn't mean to scare you...

Alec - It's okay... I was lost in thoughts.

Cat - In what kind of thoughts?*She asked sitting next to him on a chair*

Alec - I meet someone today... and I felt like I'd known him my whole life. Do you believe in soul mates?

Cat - Yes, I do. Do you think he...

Alec - I don't know... Something told me that, he can be... You can feel everything with just one touch?

Cat - Maybe. *she said smiling*

Their conversation was interrupted by a scream.

Alec - Isa...

He gets up from the chair and runs into Isa's room.

Alec - Hei, wake up...

Isa - M-mom...*she frowned*

Alec - Wake up...

Isa - N-No...*she said opening her eyes*.

Isa looked at Alec confused like she didn't know him.

Alec - Hei, it's me... Alec. You are safe...*he said hugging her*

Isa - A-Alec...

Alec - It was just a dream...

Isa - It felt so real... My m...*she stopped when she saw Cat leaning on the door frame*. C-Cat...

Cat - I will bring you a glass of water.

Isa - Ah, my head...

Alec - Do you want...Uhm... To watch a movie? I am sure you can't go back to sleep again.

Isa - Sounds great...

Alec - Isa, can you stay there, alone for a few minutes? *he asked and Isa nodded*

Alec goes into the kitchen after Cat.

Alec - I will bring her water and some... snacks.

Cat - Alec *she said reading a message on her phone*. Take care of her... I have an emergency at the hospital... I am sorry...

Alec - It's okay, go. She is safe with me, you know that.

Cat - I know that.

Alec goes back to the living room and Cat left.

Alec - You okay?*he asked placing the snacks on the coffee table*

Isa - Yes... I am okay. It was so weird...
Magnus was there with I don't know anything about my mom... And it felt so real...

Alec - Do you think that woman was your... You know what?
Relax, stop thinking about this, and let's enjoy the movie.
What would you like us to look at?

Isa - I don't know... 

Alec - Wow, your Netflix is full of...Korean series?

Isa - You know about my obsession with Korea. But you can choose something else. I don't mind. *she said smiling*

Alec - No, it's okay. I want to try something new. So... Do you want to look at this? "Her Private Life*

Isa - Yes.

Alec - Anything to change your mood.

Isa - You are a great brother.

After a few minutes from that episode, the actors kissed and Alec looked away.

Isa - What's wrong??? This is a nice part.

Alec - They are k-kissing.*said Alec blushing*

Isa - And??

Alec - And it's awkward...

Isa - You've never kissed a girl???

Alec - I am gay af. No, I didn't.

Isa - You don't know what you're missing.

Alec - I don't want to hear about this. So don't tell me...

One hour passed and when Alec wanted to say something, he saw Isa sleeping. He turned the tv off, covered her with a blanket, and he goes into his room.

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