Chapter 20.

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He gently laid Alec down on the bed, got up, and go into the kitchen.

Magnus - What are you doing here? How did you?...

Isa - M-Magnus? I...don't know... *she answers panicked*

Magnus - Are you okay?*he asked moving close to her and Isa took a few steps back*

Isa - I-I...don't know. Where am...

Magnus - At...*he stopped for a few seconds*... Alec.

Isa - Where is he...?

Magnus - He is sleeping...

Isa - Right... Because it's...late. I am sorry... Ah, my head...

Magnus - I got you... Let's sit on the couch. How did you... come here? Are you drunk?

Isa - You won't believe me... And yes, a little. Okay, maybe more... And maybe you will believe me...

Magnus - Tell me. I am sure I can do it.

Isa - Through a...portal. I guess...

Magnus - Portal? But how...?

Isa - Long story... I don't know how to take it... My life was supposed to be normal... until yesterday... I mean, I thought it was normal... Now I have 108 years old and my life turned upside down...

Magnus - 108...? *he asked and Isa nodded*. That's...

Isa - Magnus... Why does everyone say that you and Miya are dead?

Magnus - It's a long story. I will tell you when you are not drunk. But we are dead. I am here to find Alec and Miya... She works as a Grimm Reaper.
She didn't want to reincarnate and I... I couldn't...

Isa - Why not? And why Miya didn't tell me that I am... That she is...

Magnus - Take a deep breath. Let me bring you a glass of water, okay?

While Magnus was in the kitchen, Isa goes to the balcony for some fresh air.

Magnus - Hey, take and drink this.

Isa - Thank you. *taking the glass*.
Cat told me about you and Miya.
She knows that I am...her daughter?

Magnus - Wait... Are you...?

Isa - Yes... This is what Cat said...

Magnus - My little sweet pea... No, she doesn't. I was thinking about this but she is sure that you are not...

Isa - Is she?...okay. Well, you don't have to tell her... I lived all those years without her...

Magnus - Isa... Don't say that. She will be happy to...

Isa - No...just don't... I don't like that I can't remember about you...

Magnus - I told Cat to erase your memories... You should have lived a happy life. Without us in your mind.

Isa - Why?... I always thought that my parents hate me, that they left because I am...

Magnus - I am sorry... I am so sorry, my little biscuit.*he said stroking her hair*. She loves you, Miya loves you...and your father... But I don't know what happened to him...

Isa - He left... Maybe he is happy somewhere with...someone else...having another child...

Magnus didn't say a word, now he just listen.

Isa - You know, when I saw you first, I had a lot of feelings. I felt that...something is there... Like I know you...

Magnus - I had those feelings too...

Isa - I am sorry for my behavior, I was just...scared, I don't know

Magnus - It's okay, I can understand that. Now go back, and sleep, we can talk tomorrow. How did you create that portal?

Isa - I can't remember... It just appeared. Cat said she blocked my powers, somehow but when I got angry, I destroyed her office, and now... I... I am here

Magnus - Maybe you wanted to be here, or with Alec, I don't know... Sweetheart, you said you have 108 years, right? If Cat blocked or controlled your powers, one day they will... explode. Even that can't last forever...

Isa - Maybe... But for me, for us...this can be forever...
Now how can I...?

Magnus - I will try to show you, okay?*he asked and Isa nodded*

After Isa leaves, he returns to Alec lying down beside him.

Magnus couldn't sleep, he was thinking about her, about what she said... He was thinking if he should tell Miya about Isa but this is not his decision and she already said "No".

Magnus - Alec, should I tell Miya? *he asked brushing aside the strands of hair covering his face.*

Alec - Hmmm... *he mumbled in his sleep, moving close to Magnus, and Magnus chuckled*.

He just looked at Alec until he falls asleep.

° In the morning, Isa woke up with a horrible headache.
She took a shower, dressed up, and drives home.

° Magnus woke up alone in the bed.
A pleasant and familiar smell came from the kitchen. He got up and headed there.

Alec - Morning. I am sorry, I couldn't sleep and I was thinking about making breakfast.

Magnus - Morning... Thank you. Can I help you with something?

Alec - No. Just sit. Almost done.
I woke up last night and didn't see you in bed. I thought you'd gone...

Magnus - I wouldn't leave like that, you don't have to worry.
I was in the kitchen, drinking some water. *he said hugging Alec from behind*.

Alec - I know.*he said turning to face Magnus*. I know you are not that type of person. Now let's eat. I have some work to do after this.

Magnus - Isa...called you?

Alec - No...not even a message...

Magnus - Oh...

Alec - I know she is fine but I am still worried.

Magnus - I understand. I have something to...*but he was interrupted by his phone*. It's Miya...

Alec - Answer, maybe it's important.*he said wrapping his arms around Magnus's waist*

Magnus - Yeah... Maybe.

*on the phone*

Miya - Hi, Magnus. Where are you?

Magnus - Uhm, with Alec... Why? What happened?

Miya - Again?... We need to talk.

Magnus - Okay, after our breakfast.

Miya - No, Magnus. Now

Magnus - No, later. And don't come here, okay? We can talk about that later, please..

Miya - I don't want more trouble becau-...

Magnus - Tell her I said " Later". Now excuse me...

*end of the call*.

Alec - If you need to go...

Magnus - I won't let you like that. She can wait, you're more important than anything and anyone, Alexander.
Now, let's eat.

Alec - You know what? I think food can wait for a little.

With that Alec brushes his lips on Magnus's and kissed his nose instead.

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