Chapter 13.

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° Isa

She goes back to the office.

Isa - Are you alive?

Alec - Of course, I am. You and Miya... What did you talk about?

Isa - She is alive, don't worry about that. How about you and Magnus?

Alec - He looked at the drawing. And he liked it.

Isa - Really? Of course, he likes it...

Alec - Stop it.

Isa - Whatever...

Alec - And we kissed. Magnus is... quite magical.

Isa - Ooohh... That's... Great. Maybe he is magical.

Alec *rolled his eyes* After Magnus left, I talked to Izzy. You should talk to her too...

Isa - I don't want to talk with Isabelle.
I am gonna take my files home...and work there. Is that okay?

Alec - Sure. I have something to do and after that, I will go home too.

Isa took her files and left.
Once home, she goes into the kitchen, pours herself a glass of wine, and goes on the balcony. After a few minutes, the phone starts ringing.

*On the phone*

Isa - Hi, sweet pea.

- Hi. What are you doing?

Isa - I am trying to work a little, but I can't... My mind is full of...

- Of her?

Isa - Of her...

- Oh. Try to talk with Isabelle.

Isa - I don't want to do that...

- She knows what you feel about her?

Isa - I don't know... Maybe Alec talked to her.

- Sweetie...

Isa - You know how Isabelle is... I can't be... I am not... She deserves everything and I can't...

- Stop thinking about that... You are sweet and kind and you can give her anything. So stop it. Or what? You don't love her enough to fight for her?

Isa - I love her, but if you love someone you want that person to be happy. With or without you.

- And what about you?

Isa - I am fine. Wine solves everything.*she said laughing*

- Stop drinking...

Isa - It's too late, you know that... Now she is happy with that Sherwin...

Izzy - It's Simon.

At the sound of Izzy's voice, Isa choked on the wine.

- Sweet pea!! Are you okay?

Isa - I-I am...fine. I will call you later.*She said coughing*

- Okay, take care. Love you.

Isa - Love you too.

*end of the call*

She turned and saw Izzy leaning on the door frame.

Izzy - Are you drinking without me? *she goes close to Isa, taking the glass from her hand and drinking*

Isa - What are you doing...wait... How did you get in?

➰An hour ago:

*on the phone*

Izzy - Hi, big brother. What are you doing?

Alec - Hi. Work a little, you? How are you?

Izzy - I am fine... Is Isa there?

Alec - Yes, but she went to buy coffee. We didn't talk about what happened at the bar.

Izzy - Alec it's...

Alec - Izzy, do you like her?

Izzy - I feel something but I don't know, Alec... *she took a deep breath*
I lose my breath every time she enters a room. My heart beats faster when she walks by me. My skin tingles when...*but she stopped*

Alec - When she stands close enough to feel her breath? Emotions are never black and white. They're more like symptoms. Ohh, my little sister is in love...

Izzy - No... This is... Or am I? But I like Simon...

Alec - You are. And maybe you like him as a friend. Look... I talked with Jace and told him that...maybe Isa isn't good enough for you and she heard...
Maybe that's why she talked with Simon about you...

Izzy - She did what? That's why Si texted me...

Alec - May I ask why you accepted? To be with Simon?

Izzy - I don't know... I thought I have feelings for him... But...

Alec - All those feelings were for her...

Izzy - What should I do?

Alec - You can wait for her at home. Order some food and talk. I know she likes these things.

Izzy - What? I can't go to her house like that.

Alec - Yes you can. I have to go back to work. The password at her door is 2324.

*end of the call* ➰

Isa - Alec... How long... have you been here?

Izzy - Since you started talking on the phone.

Isa - Oh... I-I... U-Uhm...

Izzy - You're so cute when you're stammering.*she said moving close to Isa*

Isa - T-Thanks... But what are you doing here?

Izzy - I am here to see you, talk with you, and...*she was so close to Isa.*

Isa - .....and what? *she asked looking into Izzy's eyes*

Izzy - I am here to make you regret your feelings and to prove to you that I don't feel anything for you.

Isa - What do you.....

Izzy put her arms on Isa's shoulder and kissed her.
Isa didn't know how to react at first. To kiss her back, to push her away, to pull her close...

Izzy - Kiss me, idiot. *she said on Isa's lips, and then Isa kissed her back. *

Her lips felt so soft on Izzy's.

After a few minutes, of long and soft kisses, they parted to get some air.

Izzy - So, do you regret your feelings? Do you think that I don't feel anything for you?

Isa - I would never do that... *she said caressing Isabelle's cheek*. I am sorry... What about Sherwin?

Izzy - It's Simon.*she said laughing*. I told him everything, you don't have to worry about that.

Isa - Okay. Now let me work. I want to finish this today.

Izzy - Can I take a shower?

Isa - Sure.

*35 minutes later*.

Isa - Izzy, when you will came back, can you bring me the files from my desk, please?*she shouts*

When Izzy comes back, she left the files on the table.

Isa - You scared me. Ou, wow...*she said when saw Izzy*.

Izzy - I wanted something comfortable.*she said sitting on Isa's lap*.

Isa - And did you find it in my closet?
You look hot only in my t-shirt, by the way.

She put his hands on Isa's cheek and she kissed her. Full on the mouth.

✴ I know this chapter is more with Isa and Isabelle. I wanted something...different. I hope you like it. And thank you so much for reading my story. 🙌

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