Chapter 24

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After one hour of reading, she took the phone and called her friend, putting it on speaker.

*on the phone*

Isa - How is my favorite writer doing?

- Who is....sweetie, is that you?

Isa - Hi. I am sorry, Mags took my phone and left me this one. I am bored... Oh, and he locked me in here.

- What? Why?

Isa - He is overprotective... I wanted to leave... I want to keep them away from me. *she said looking at the bracelet.*.

- Sweet pea...why don't you let him help you?

Isa - Because he... I don't know... Asmodeus seems better suited to help me. I don't know exactly if I can trust him, but now... Maybe it's the only option. What should I do?

- Listen to your instincts and your soul. I am sure you can figure it out.

Isa - Thank you, biscuit. Now go back to work. I am sorry for the interruption.

- Dont say that, sweet pea. If you want, I can stay and talk with you.

Isa - No, I am fine. Go, we can talk later.

- Okay, love you.

Isa - Love you too.

*end of the call*

° Magnus

Miya - You did what?! Are you out of your mind??

Magnus - And what? To let her go with our father??? You know him!

Miya - But you can't do that to my daughter!!!

Magnus - Now is your daughter??*he shouts*. I am sorry...but I can't let her go. I can't trust him... We need to tell her what happened.

Miya - And what about you and Alec?

Magnus - I...don't know.

Miya - You need to talk with him.
You have only two days left.

Magnus - Two days?? Oh, shit. I need to talk with Asmodeus first.*he said wanted to leave but Miya grabbed his hand stopping him*

Miya - No, no, no. Of course, not! You can't go to him just like that.
Like "Hi, father. It's me, Magnus. I am dead but I am a Grimm reaper and I came to talk with you". You can't do that!!! If Al will find out...

Magnus - What? Will I disappear?? I will do it anyway in two days!! I need to do something. Are you coming with me??

Miya - Because you are doing stupid things!! Let's talk about this later...
And I will... I won't let you get into trouble alone.

For Miya and Magnus, took just a few seconds to arrive at Asmodeus's house.

Miya - Sometimes I miss those portals.

Magnus - Why? This is fun. Just close your eyes and in just a few seconds you are where you want.

Miya - Yeah, maybe. Now what? Knock at the door. I can't wait to see his reaction.

And that is what Magnus did. Knocking at the door three times.

Asmodeus - I am coming.

Asmodeus opened the door and, when he saw Miya and Magnus in front of him, he dropped the glass which shattered into pieces in contact with the tiles.

Asmodeus - M... No. You two...are not...

Magnus - Hello, father. We are here to...hmm... Talk.

Asmodeus - I... Am... This is a dream, right?

Miya - Well, no.*she said as she went inside*. We are here to talk about something, and I think you know what I mean.

Asmodeus was still shocked and Magnus stood there, in front of his father, looking at him.

Miya - Magnus, are you going to stand there all day?

Magnus - N-No.*he said going close to Miya*.

Miya - It's a long story and I don't want to talk with you about it. I am here to talk with you about Isa.

Asmodeus - Isa, huh? Why?

Magnus - I won't let her go with you.
We won't allow that...

Asmodeus - Are you two...

Miya - We are. I told you, it's a long story and I don't want to talk about this. So, leave my daughter alone.
I am not telling you twice.

Asmodeus - I've been looking for her all this time, all of her 100 years but that friend of yours *he said looking straight into Magnus's eyes* hide her so well until one day when I found your love, your dear Alexander. I felt that if I find your love, my little flower will be there and I was right. Now that I found her, how could I give it up? 

Miya - Grandfather of the year. Now you can let her alone. I am back and I won't let her go again.

Asmodeus - Isa needs someone to help her with her powers.

Magnus - That's why I am here.

Asmodeus - No. That's why I am here!!!
Let her decide about that. It's her choice. Now excuse me, I have something to do.

Miya moves close to Asmodeus.

Miya - If you are going to do something, I will make sure you will end up in Hell.

She disappeared and Magnus followed her.

Miya - I am gonna kill him.

Magnus - You said that years ago and he is still alive. *he said and Miya gave him a death glare*. I am sorry, now let's focus on Isa and Alec, okay? I think you have to talk with her.

Miya - Me?... Do you think I...*and Magnus nodded*. 

Magnus - Is your daughter. I will go to talk with Alec. 

Miya - Okay... Are you gonna be okay?

Magnus - I don't know... I am scared...
What if he...*he stopped when he heard a knock on the door*.
Come in...

Harry - Hi, guys. Am I interrupting something???

Miya - No, don't worry. How are you, Harry? Where is Matt?

Harry - He is sleeping.

Miya - Everything is okay between you two?

Harry - Yes. Everything is perfect.

Magnus - Then why do you have that long face? What happened?

Harry - Nothing... Is just... We are trapped here... It's a beautiful place and we can go around the world but it's not like...

Magnus - Being...alive? *and Harry nodded*. Matt loves you and that is important.

Harry - I know, I love him too. Maybe one day, we will be reborn and we will find a way back to each other.

Miya - I am sure about that. Now I have something to do. See you later Harry.

Magnus - Do you want something to drink? I need to talk with you.

Harry - Sure.

Magnus prepare some cocktails and started to talk.

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