Chapter 17.

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° Alec

He grabbed Magnus' wrists gently and pulled him into the living room.

Alec lifted him and sat on the couch with Magnus on his lap.

He put his arms around Magnus's waist and gave him a short kiss.

Alec - Don't listen Isa... I will talk with her...

Magnus - Alexander... It's... She is...*and he stopped*

Magnus felt like he wanted to tell Alec about everything. But what he should say? That Isa is right and he is some kind of grim reaper? Not even an angel. Alec could see fear in Magnus's eyes.

Alec - Hey, what's wrong?

Magnus - Nothing... I was thinking about...something...*he suddenly decided not to tell him. Not now and maybe not today. He was there with his love and Magnus didn't want to ruin everything.*.

Alec - Are you sure?*he asked and Magnus nodded*. Then would you like to...stay with me, tonight?

Magnus - What?... Here? With you?...

Alec - Yes...*he answers shyly*, please. *he said kissing Magnus full on the mouth*.

Without breaking the kiss, Alec gets up slowly and lays Magnus on the couch, being on top of him.

Magnus - You know how to do it, huh?*he asked between kisses.
Alec break the kiss and laughed*.

Alec - I became more experienced with time. *he answered looking into Magnus's eyes*.

Magnus could see in Alec's eyes how much he wanted this, and Magnus wanted to, but this is right?

Alec kissed him again. They could feel how much they missed each other. That kiss was something else, was different.
Magnus gently sucked Alec's lower lip and Alec Magnus's upper lip.

When Magnus parted his lips, Alec slides himself into Magnus' mouth, kissing passionately, no fight for dominance, just enjoying each other's mouth.

Alec started to kiss his jawbone, and neck, gently sucking Magnus's skin without letting marks.

Magnus - Alexander...*he said with a raspy voice*

Alec smiled knowing that he easily found Mags's spot.

He took off his shirt and Magnus raised his eyebrow.

Alec - What??? Is getting hot here. *he said chuckling*.
Tell me if you want me to stop. *he continues kissing Magnus's collarbone, and neck*. Do you want me to stop, Magnus?

Magnus stopped Alec for a few seconds, and he rolled them carefully on the couch, being on top.

Alec - That was...

Magnus - Are you impressed?

Alec - Yes. I didn't expect this.

He took off his shirt and started to kiss Alec. This time with more desire, fighting for dominance while he unbuckles Alec's belt.

They took off their pants and remained only in boxers.

- I missed much... I missed these moments...*Magnus thought*.

Alec - What are you thinking about?

Magnus - How much I missed you...*he answers without hesitation*

Alec grabbed gently Magnus's neck and pulled him close.

Alec - Then show me, how much you missed me.*he said kissing him again, wrapping his leg around Magnus's waist*.

Magnus touched Alec's chest, and abdomen, going down to his boxers and starting to caress him. Alec moaned into his mouth.

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