
716 18 1

*Heyy guys if i hope you're enjoying this fanfict</3  I wrote this chapter to deepen a little their "relationship" but from the next i'll continue with the plot of the series to establish a balance between the real plot and their love interest. If you have some advice to give me write them*

I turn to the side of the window and i notice
"EDDIE?" I raise my eyebrows in disbelief, I can't believe it, there's the brown long haired-metalhead-puppy eyes outside my window.
"Uhm sorry I-I'm here to bring you back the walkie-talkie of... I don't know whose it is, Will or Dustin, I don't even know why they have one, I dunno know where they live so I give it to you. Sorry for the trouble."
Well if that's not an excuse to see me I don't know what it is
I have so many questions to ask him starting with why the hell is he outside my window and he didn't knock on the door?
"Don't worry, no trouble. Do you want to come in?" I nod with my arm to enter. I'm alone today, I wouldn't mind his company
"Yeah, why not," he replies, scratching his neck

"How are you?" he smiles, he's really cute when he smiles
"All right, a bit tired but I'm fine"

"Is that a bass? Can you play it?" the musician in him couldn't help but notice
"Uhm...yep it's mine" I point at it "I've been playing for at least five years now" music is probably the only thing I will continue to practice for a lifetime.
"You're full of surprises Byers, aren't you?" he turns to me, you can clearly hear from his expression that he is surprised.
"I'll tell you more, i can sing too" his puppy ears straighten immediately
"Now that you've revealed this shocking secret, you MUST let me hear something." he  smiles like a kid who wants her mom to buy him a ice cream
"Everything in its time Munson. Everything in its time."

We sit on my bed, I raise my legs to my chest with my back to the wall while he stays at the foot of the bed with his legs crossed. Until a few weeks ago, I never would have said that Eddie "the freak" Munson would be in my room at 7 pm at night talking to me and that I would enjoy his company.         
His presence make me genuinely happy.

"You know, you're one of the few people, maybe the only one who makes me feel appreciated in that horrible school. I don't think you can say the same about me, I mean, the nutcase" lowers his head, I feel a pinch of sadness in his voice. I never thought he was crazy, eccentric, but not like they paint him.

"To tell the truth I never thought this about you and I never will" I tell him sincerely "And yes I appreciate your presence" I see a spark in his eyes as he hints at one of the most spontaneous smiles I've ever seen.
The thing I liked most about him was his hazel puppy eyes.

"Have you ever thought about joining the Hellfire club?" Clearly he was looking for an excuse to see me more often but i suck at that game
"Oh no this is not going to happen for sure. As much as I'd love to wear a DIY shirt made by Eddie Munson himself I won't join"
I assure him approaching his face.
"We'll see" he crosses his arms and gives me one of his usual looks of defiance and a chuckle comes out of my mouth and his eyes become slightly brighter.

"Wait- Let me just-"
Slowly he puts a hand on my cheek an then moves behind my ear the hair that fell on my face. I with my gaze the movement of his hand as I feel a slight shiver on my neck. He wears a lot of rings, they've never made me crazy about but they fit him perfectly.

"You know I like these rings," I say taking his hand in mines
"Choose one" I can feel his look at me as I analyze his warm hands that contrast with the cold metal rings. Notice the one on his fourth finger in his left hand
"This" i point by touching the cold metal 

"Here" goes to stick it on my right ring finger "Okay maybe it's too wide, let's put it here"  he chuckles and puts it on my middle finger
"I really appreciate that, thank you Ed"
For a few seconds time seems to have stopped we look into the eyes almost hypnotized in each other's eyes

"Vivien I wanted to-" a whisper from Eddie breaks the deafening silence. His eyes move to my lips and back to my eyes. I didn't notice how close we were, I could feel his fresh breath on my face.

A voice from the other room calls my name "VIVI!"

"Eddie you have to hide somewhere.
"Hide!" "The bed, go under the bed."
"I'm trying. I can't fit in."
"Your agility can be compared to that of a mammoth"
"Very kind"
"Stay here and don't move, I'll be right back" I know I was probably overreacting but better not risk

It's Will, always at the wrong time 
"Hey, um, mom made pancakes and..." he tries to enter in the room
"Bring me two... in two plates" 
"I'm a bit hungry" I smile awkwardly
"Okay" he looks at me weirdly
"Thank you!" I yell, almost slamming the door in his face.
"What a nice fraternal relationship" Eddie chuckles crawling from under the bed
"Will is a golden child but if my mom finds out that Eddie Munson is here, in my room, he kills you first and then me"
"C'mon you mom won't be so strict"
"Oh believe me when it comes to daughters, Jonathan can bring any girl into his room"


"Okay, um so I wanted to ask you if maybe, you know if you're not busy... we could go out or even a walk if you don't have time-"
he asks me as fiddles with his hair and struggles to cross my gaze

"You mean like, a date?"
"No, I mean yes, if you want" he replies, I've never seen him so nervous
"I would love to" I sincerely answer. His eyes light up again as I answer.
"So let's do Tuesday after school? Is that okay for you?"
"Yes sure, it's all right"
"All right, so see you on Tuesday" he goes to the window smiling like a seven-year-old boy who has just been given the toy of his desires
"I wish I could make you walk out from the door, but you uhm you know-" I chuckle as I make it clear
"Get it, don't worry. Goodnight Viv"
" 'Night Eds"

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