Fight of minds

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Living in Hawkins isn't easy, it never was. Vivien always recovered, or at least she tried, whatever threat decided to curse the city. But this. It's different. She's in shock, scared. Everyone is.

His mind is still there, in disbelief of what just happened.
The truth is, she almost lost hope. She's not stupid, she knows it's not a simple situation, not at all. They don't know how they'll go out of it in the end.

"So this is the plan?" Vivien asks, looking at the guys sitting around her.
Freddy Mercury's voice echoes in the room.

The clock points at 8:20 pm. The only glow of light that lights around is projected from the bulb attached to the ceiling. A light evening breeze blows from the window.
Her head stopped spinning but she feels this pinch in her stomach that doesn't stop.

Jonathan and Will returned to Joyce's house before, unaware of what had just happened to their sister. And frankly, Vivien didn't want to alarm them or Joyce.

"Seems like the only option," Robin nods

"It's literally what we did for Max and it didn't do any good," Vivien sighs, trying to stay calm

"I thought that Vecna was knocked out. Dead. Very dead." Eddie says, bouncing his eyes between Steve, Nancy and Robin

"Yes...or at least we thought so." Nancy sighs, walking back and forth through the room "We did everything and more but apparently it was not enough"

"Will...said he still feels it." Mike affirms "Vecna is back."

"But all this makes no sense. Vivien the nosebleed happened... over a week ago-"
"I don't know Steve, fuck!" the girl growls

"Wait maybe he's becoming weaker" Dustin supposes crossing Steve's gaze "Maybe you didn't kill him but only weakened, it should be easier to deal with him now"
"Mhm yeah, but we need something more powerful-" says Steve, running a hand through his hair

"If attacking him phi si ally it didn't work, we need someone who-" Robin continues

"Could play at his own game" Nancy interrupts "We have Eleven with us this time"

"It's risky," Mike intervenes
"We have to try Wheeler," Eddie says worried, catching the look of the younger boy

"He's right" Nancy says, crossing her arms across her chest "It takes something more powerful to defeat him"

"El? You can maybe help us?" Vivien asks, approaching her sister

The little girl remains for a few moments in silence, staring at the void.

"When One attacks, he enters people's minds" Eleven begins, looking at the older girl "But I can do that too. I got into Mom's mind and Billy's."

"What?" Steve interviene
"You can really do that?" Eddie interrupts, a spark of hope lights up in his big brown eyes

"Yes." she nods "I can get inside Vivi's mind. She can take me to Vecna. And I can protect you from One and..." she swallows "kill him for real this time"

"One exploits the darkest memories, and uses them against you."

"He seems to see only the darkness. So he did with Max he's doing that to me."

"So go in the opposite direction, do the opposite. You have to stick to a memory that makes you happy. Go into the light and hide." El replies "I will find him and we will put an end to this"

A happy memory, thinks Vivien.
"How do I get into a memory?"

"I don't know exactly." replies the younger girl "But you have control of your mind. You have to control it. You have to control where you are and...think about it until you'll find yourself there."
"I think I can do it," Vivien nods. She doesn't really know for sure. She may panic, she may fail in his mission, she may get himself killed, and she may endanger the entire city.
She feels all this weight on her. She's just a girl living her teenage life...

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