"Can you hug me, please?"

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Vivien spent the night in that dump, but at least she was with Eddie.
The boy slept blissfully in the boat while Vivi has been up all night
"Hey.. uhm could I use your walkie-talkie? I'd like to talk to my brother for a minute."
"Yeah, yeah sure" Eddie replies
"Thank you"

"Hello, Byers house." Will responds
"Hey, hey, Will, I'm Vivi. How are you baby?"
"Vivien... everything's fine. Are you missing school these days?"
"Um, yeah... well, let's just say there are things more important than school sometimes."
"I hope nothing serious right?" chiede il ragazzo preoccupato
"No Will it's fine we are already solving everything" that was not entirely true but what could she say? Will listen you're probably in danger for the third time, ah and this time it's something that you can't fight because it curses you and the other can't see it.

"Anyway happy birthday! And even if they are not there and everyone will get bored to death I wish you a happy birthday" Vivien chuckles as soon as she hears Will's laugh
"I have to go now. Stay safe!"
"I will. Bye Vi."

"Vivien, are you feeling better now?" Eddie asks her sitting next to her
"Yes and no. I mean I talked to Will and apparently he's fine but I'm still scared for him..." she responds not distracting from the brown eyes of the boy who puts a hand on her knee to reassure her

"Are you still wearing the ring?" Eddie's eyes light up immediately as he notices his ring on Vivien's finger
"I never took it off" Vivi says by showing it

"Um... you know I'm not that good with words but I wanted to tell you that I missed you and I'm happy to spend time with you, I'm glad you came here and...you know I'm here for you and if you want to talk about anything, I'll listen." At those words a smile forms on her face, but she didn't want to talk about those things, not when she was with him
"Can you hug me? Please."
Eddie immediately opens his arms and Vivien hugs him slowly resting her head on his chest while his hands full of rings gently caressed the girl's wavy raven hair
Vivien felt extremely relieved at that hug as Eddie felt his heart pounding and at least a million butterflies in his stomach
"I want you in my life Vivien"
"If I didn't want the same, I wouldn't be here right now."

"Anyway, our date skipped" Eddie points out
"How about postponing it when this all is over?"
"With pleasure" he chuckles
"You know you're really handsome when you smile?" Eddie's arms are still on the girl's hips. At that phrase, Eddie's heart skips a beat. He would never admit it but sometimes he can be very shy and when he is he covers his face with some strands of hair, as he just did
"Oh wow I made Eddie Munson blush. Don't be ashamed, it's really cute!"

Vivien gets up and looks out the window "They're coming back, I see them"

"Hey, guys, what's new?" Vivien asks them anxiously approaching the group

"Yes guys we have news" Nancy announces
"Nancy? You're here too, it's been a while" Vivien says surprise. They used to be friend when they were younger and now they're not in touch anymore
"Yeah, I'm glad to see you too, Vivien."
"So Fred and Chrissy were both going to Kelley. They had headaches that didn't go away. Then...they had nightmares, they slept badly, or woke up sweaty and they saw things... bad things from their past." she sighs and continues "These visions have gotten worse and worse until at some point it's all over" Nancy explains specifying their death

"We asked to meet with Victor Creel, the first victim of this Vecna, for our thesis about schizophrenia." continues Robin

"And Victor said that everything happened that night, power surges, but specifically he talked about the music. He said there was music that apparently touches points in the brain that words don't touch"

"Music is the key"

"As it happened with Will" interrupts Vivien "in the upside down he kept humming favorite song and then he survived" and a light of hope lights up in her eyes.

"MAX!" Vivien sees her approaching the house and runs towards her. She heard what happened to Maxine and she felt bad for herself for not being there for her

Vivien holds her in one of the warmest hugs she's ever given

"Max... sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid. I knew I had to come with you"

"Hey, Viv, it worked out for the better. And then you couldn't know that was gonna happen..." Max says, in fact Vivi had no idea that her best friend could be cursed too.
But she blamed himself for some reason.

"You know what... you actually helped me even though you weren't there."
"How?" replies Vivien detaching from the hug and wiping a tear from her cheek

"I made up my mind and...do you remember that time when we went camping together last summer and we were telling each other everything? All those things you told me to turn my weaknesses, my traumas into strengths. To get up every time I fell, even if it became more and more difficult. After Billy died, you were always there for me, and you said to me, 'When you can't move on cause all shit happens to you, close your eyes and think about what keeps you going. '"

"Well apparently we haven't had many happy moments" smiles Vivien to defuse the situation
"Yeah." Max giggles too "Anyway, I wrote a letter for you, here. Read it when you have time."

Vivien Byers and Max Mayfield are for certain platonic soul mates.
With capital P.

Together, until the end | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now