Chapter 40

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We get backstage and I meet up with Ashton and Jade. It's 5 minutes until the show starts, and the rest of the band is relieved when we walk through the door.

"Start warming up Austin." Someone tells him while speeding by.

He starts doing his vocal warm ups, and I get really happy seeing him do this. I've seen countless videos of him backstage. I wonder a lot how I got this lucky. He loves this so much and his joy is literally the best thing to me. I hear them announcing Of Mice and Men, and he gives me a quick kiss on the forehead before he goes out with the rest of the guys. Jade, Ashton, and I watch from the side as they begin the show with Public Service Announcement.

"You all have something to say
or something to ask
I don't live in a cage"

We all sing along with him and everything sounds amazing. The lights are spot on, and he doesn't seem injured at all! It still astonishes me that he is actually doing this.

When the song is over, they announce themselves and get the crowd pumped up. After playing some more songs, Bones Exposed finally starts. I wait for Alan to do his guitar flip, and the 3 of us start fangirling way too hard. Every time we listen to this song, we all do Alan's part.

Everything starts to quiet down as we begin to hear Second and Sebring play out. A tear started welling up in my eye. I look at Jade and Ashton and the same is happening to them. I don't want to see Austin upset like he sometimes gets during this song. And I know we can't hold ourself together.

"Come back
so I can say
thank you for these
home cooked meals
and a place to rest
my troubled head
when you're away"

Austin falls to the floor and looks like he's starting to weep. He stops singing and sits still for a minute. The crowd gets quieter as we all look at Austin. Next thing I know, he's falling over on his side. Something is actually wrong. It takes a second before I realize he's not conscious anymore. I run to his side and the rest of the band quits playing. I touch his side and there is more blood coming from the area of his wound. His stitches might have opened again!

"Call 911!" I yell out.

The fans and everyone backstage start worrying whether he is alright or not, and I just try to keep everyone far enough away so he can have his space.

I lift up his shirt and it's exactly what I thought it was. Some of the stitches had come undone, and his wound was opened again.

"I knew he shouldn't have played the show. I should have been tougher on him. I should have done something to make him not do it." I say to myself.

I hear the ambulance outside, and they rush in to get him. They load him up and take him outside. As I'm walking out, I hear the manager telling the fans that he is truly sorry and that Austin is heading to the hospital and will hopefully be okay.

Austin is rushed to the hospital and Ashton, Jade, and I are close behind. We run inside and meet with the doctor.

"Is he going to be okay?" I frantically ask him.

"He'll need to have surgery right away to stop the bleeding and to stitch him back up. He should be fine,but I have to go now."

"It's going to be okay Haley." Ashton reassures me while pulling me into a hug.

"He said should be okay. What if he isn't."

"All we can do is hope." Jade says as we all hug each other.

Sorry my updating schedule is off. It will probably be like this for a while since finals are coming up, and I'm getting really busy.

Vote and Follow dears cx

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