Chapter 28

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Ashton's POV

*Alarm clock starts going off*
Ugh, another day of work. I reach for my clock and feel around until I find the button to turn it off. I throw my slippers on and I walk downstairs to heat up some coffee.

It really sucks that I haven't been able to go see Jade much because of all of this work. Haley is lucky that she had a boyfriend who basically supports her. That must be nice... At least I have tonight off though, so I can just take a break from everything. Maybe I'll even go out and have some fun somewhere!

After the coffee starts brewing, I walk upstairs again and begin to get ready. Same shirt and same pants, just like every day. Once I'm done, I crack open Haley's door to tell her goodbye and she just grunts at me. I notice someone else in her room, and I quickly realize who it is. Austin must've stayed over. They're cuddling in her best and honestly, it's really cute.

I grab my coffee and head out the door to go to the restaurant.

*A couple hours later after her shift is done*

Work is finally over! I head over to the hospital, so I can check on Jade and then start my night out on the town.

I pull into the hospital parking lot and make my way to Jades room. I knock and creep open the door. Javin is still sitting next to her which wasn't much of a surprise. Austin and Haley must still be at home. Alone. Oh no. I'll worry about this later.

"How're you feeling Jade?"

"I'm ready to go home for sure! Just one more day and I'll be out of here!" she tells me.

"Well we can't wait for you to come home! It has been kind of quiet without you there all the time!"

I hang around for another half hour talking about anything and everything and then I decide to leave her with Javin. I'm so glad she has someone like him. If only I had someone that special... I've basically already accepted my loneliness though.

I drive home and when I walk in the door, Haley and Austin are sitting on the couch watching cartoons.

"Hey Ashton! Where have you been all day?"

"Work and the hospital. Hey, do you guys want to do something tonight?" I ask them.

Austin looks at me and replies, "What do you have in mind?"

"We could go to a club. I just want to let go and have some fun tonight... want to join me?"

They look at each other for a moment and then Haley tells me, "It sounds more fun than what we had planned!"

"Great! Be ready to leave in about 45 minutes."

I grab my stuff and walk up the stairs to my room. Now I have to pick out an outfit for tonight.

After trying on clothes, after clothes, after clothes, I decided to go with a simple black dress. It was form fitting and came up a little past my knees. I put some makeup on but not my normal amount because I know I'll sweat it off soon anyways. I throw on some heels, grab my handbag, and walk over to Haley's room to see if she is ready.

She's finishing up her hair and she looks gorgeous! She has this light red dress on that is about the same length of mine. It has diamonds around the top and it's really pretty!

"Where is Austin?"

"He said he would just meet us there. He didn't have a change of clothes, so he went back to get some."

"Alright. Well are you ready to head out?"

"Almost! Just give me five minutes. I'll meet you out in the car."

I walk back to my room and grab my bag. I get the car started, and I try to pick what club I want to go to around here. There is a couple downtown, so I think that's where I want to go.

Haley suddenly opens the door and scares the shit out of me!

"What Ashton?!"

"Nothing! You just scared me. Text Austin and tell him were heading downtown."

Merry Christmas everyone! Here's my gift to you! Sorry there hasn't been much updating :/ I planned to get it done over break, but I got sick. Thankfully I feel better today! But I hope everyone has a great holiday!

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