Chapter 17

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We pull up to the apartment and I tell Austin to just wait in the car. I get out and start walking to the apartment but when I turn the corner I notice someone sitting on the front steps.



"What are you doing here?" I ask him confused.

"I wanted to talk to you and you wouldn't answer your phone. I decided I would just come here... I waited outside so nothing would go wrong again."

"Oh." I start thinking about what I should say to him at this point. I want to be with Austin but I don't want to let him down. I still want to be his friend.

"What's wrong Haley?"


I can't look into his eyes because I don't want to see his expression right now.

"We can't be together."

I force myself to look up at him and tears are welling up in his eyes.

"What do you mean? I thought things were getting better between us?"

I can't help but start to tear up too.

"I just can't trust you anymore Javin."

"Are you sure it's not because of fucking Austin?" he asks angrily.

I just stare at the ground and that gives him an answer.

"I'm sorry but this is what I want." I tell him.

"Well I hope you two can be the happiest couple in the world!" he tells me sarcastically and begins to walk away.

I open the door to the apartment and try not to think of what just happened.

"You alright?" Ashton asks me as I walk through the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I walk up the stairs to my room and grab a bag. I stuff some clothes and everything I need to get ready in it and zip it up. I'm gathering some more stuff when I start to hear yelling coming from outside. I walk over to the window and I can't believe what I see. Austin and Javin are in a fist fight on the sidewalk!

I run down the stairs, throw open the door, and run towards the two!

"Guys! Please, Stop!" No matter how loud I yell they won't break it up. Austin knocks Javin down on the ground and I take my chance and run towards him. I wrap my arms around his waist so he'll hopefully stop fighting. He takes a second to calm down but he backs away and starts to take deep breathes.


"Javin, just go." With that he starts to walk to his car and drives off down the road.

I walk back over to Austin and walk him inside. I bring him into the bathroom and pull out the first aid kit to fix him up.

"What was that for?" I ask him while I'm cleaning his cuts.

"He came over to the car talking shit so I thought I would end it... honestly, I've wanted to do that since the first time I met him."

"Why did you already hate him when you first met him?" I ask confused.

"I sort of saw you guys kissing at Warped and I got jealous even though I hadn't even really met you..."

I can't help but blush at his confession. This guy really likes me. I put a band aid on his hand and a peck on his lips an we get up to head back downstairs.

"What happened out there?!" Jade and Ashton ask in unison.

"Nothing. Anyways, I'm going away for a couple days."

"Where are you going?" Jade asks looking at Austin.

Austin looks at me not knowing the answer either.

"We're um... going to... the cabins! Yeah, were going to the cabins for a couple days!"

"Okay." They reply questioningly. "Please be careful though!"

"I promise, Austin will take care of me anyways!"

We walk out of the apartment and I hear Jade yelling, "Have fun!" and Ashton adding,"But not too much fun!"

We both laugh at them and walk to the car. As we get in Austin asks me," Are you ready for the best cabin trip of your life?"

"Totally." I reply with a smile.


you should follow my instagram @ bringmehthebooty I'll love you foreverr!

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