Chapter 14

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*Starts to wake up*

As I'm opening my eyes, I realize I have no idea where I am. How did I even get here? I sit up and look whose sleeping next to me. This must be Javin's room. I try to get out of the bed quietly so I don't wake him up but being the clumsy person I am, I land on the floor to hard and he snaps awake.


"I'm fine Javin, you can go back to sleep."

"But where are you going?"

"Just back to my house."

"Well let me drive you." He says as he starts to get up.

"It's okay Javin, I can call Ashton to come pick me up."

"Why won't you just let me drive you?"

I don't say anything for a couple seconds.

"I'm going to go find Austin."

"Why are you going to go looking for him? He just left you there so he obviously doesn't want to be with you right now."

"I left you here and you still came after me."

He stays quiet for a minute after those words come out of my mouth.

"Haley, I thought we had something going again?" He questions me.

"Javin, I'm sorry but I honestly don't know what I want right now. All I know is I don't want to loose Austin."

With that said, I walk out of his room and down the stairs to the front door. I text Ashton asking if she could pick me up and she replies," It feels like it's been ages since I've seen you! Where are you?" I text her the address and sit down on the pavement. I hear the door open behind me and turn to see who it is.

Javin is walking out in a burgundy hoodie and black jeans. His hair looks so cute all messed up like that. No, I have to stop thinking about him, Austin is the priority right now.

"Can I sit?" He asks me when he gets closer. I nod and he sits down on the curb.

"I'm sorry I'm putting you through this Javin, I really am."

"It's my fault Haley. If I wouldn't have made that stupid mistake, you'd still be mine and none of this would've happened."

I fiddle with some grass growing out of the cracks of the sidewalk and I don't know what to say to him. We're sitting in silence when all of the sudden he opens his mouth and let's 4 little words out.

"I love you Haley."

I stare at him dumbfounded and start to tear up a little.

I hear a car driving up and look that way. Ashton yells for me to hurry up and come on.

I turn to Javin and say," I'm sorry." then get up and walk to her car. As I close the door she looks at me and begins with," Care to explain everything that's happened in the life of Haley Lane for the past few days?"

I break down and tell her everything on the drive home.


Sorry this one was so short .-.

So what's your guys opinion, Haley and Javin or Haley and Austin?

I need ideas for ship names too!

anywayss vote and follow!

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