Chapter 41

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It has been about month since Austin was released from the Hospital. He is as good as new and has been feeling a lot better lately. Although since he came back, we haven't been hanging out every day like we normally did. He's had shows to play, and he has met some new people. 1 person in particular that he hangs out with a lot.

Her name is Hannah. She is a nurse at the hospital Austin was admitted to. She was assigned to take care of him while he was staying there, and I guess they started talking and everything. They've been hanging out as friends a lot lately, and I've been trying to be cool with it. I don't want to be 'that girlfriend' who freaks out if he talks to any girl except myself. It is so hard though. When they're out, the other guys always post stuff on their snapchat stories about what they're doing. Austin and Hannah are usually on there too, and he looks so happy with her. The kind of happy he looks when he is with me. I just keep telling myself,

' If she can make him that happy too, then what makes me so special? WHy would he even want me anymore?'

I've tried to quit thinking like this. I haven't brought it up to him either. I don't know how he would react. I also don't want him to have to choose between me and her. He tells me he loves me and that I'm the only girl for him, but I just can't help but have these doubts sometimes. After all, he is Austin fucking Carlile. Who wouldn't be in love with him?

There is a gathering thing happening tonight that Austin invited me, Ashton, and Jade to. It's something the manager planned as a sort of appreciation thing for everyone. I'm getting ready for it right now. I put a pure white dress on that flowed down around my legs and had little designs near the bottom.

The 3 of us headed over to the building they were holding the party in. We arrived and parked in the parking garage across the street. We all walked in and went our different ways for right now. I began walking to the back to see if I could find Austin. I saw him hanging around the guys and walked up to him. He kissed me on the cheek and put his arm around my waist. We made small talk, but he soon asked the guys if they had seen Hannah.

"Hannah is here?" I ask.

"Yeah! I invited her."

I just look away for a moment and feel his hand slide out from my back. I look back up, but he was already walking away. On his journey to find her. Why would he ditch me for her. What makes her so much better? Does she have better conversations? Is she more open? Is she funnier? I just don't understand what is happening. I walk over to find Ashton to talk to her about it all.

I talk to her in a secluded space away from the crowd. She reassures me that everything should be fine and that she is always there for me no matter what happens.

"Anyways, I'm sure he feels the same when you hang out with other guys."

"I am not like this. I barely even hang out with my best guy friend even more because I'm so involved with Austin. I'm not always talking to them and things like that..."

"I don't know babe. Just try to enjoy the night and don't let this ruin it all."

She gives me a hug and then we walk over to Jade. Austin finally comes back over to me and asks me if something if wrong. I tell him I'm fine, but I can tell he doesn't believe me. He grabs my hand and starts to pull me away from the crowd. Right as he does his manager takes the mic and calls the band and some other people up to the front. He sighs and gives me a quick kiss before letting go and walking up there.

Their manager gives a speech about their hard work and dedication and thanks them for everything they do. I look at Austin, and he smiles at me. He looks away, and I look to where he is staring at. Bet you can't guess who was smiling right back at him.

I feel like I want to cry. He comes back to me after they talk up front and grabs my hand again. He leads me outside and asks me to explain to him what's wrong.

"Austin. I just love you so much and I can't help feeling like I'm not the only one you really care about."

"Where is this coming from Haley?"

"It's Hannah. You're always hanging out with her. Lately, it seems like more than with me. She makes you smile and happy, and I used to be the one to do that all the time."

"Haley. Believe me when I tell you this. I care about you so much, and I would never hurt you like that. There is nothing going on between me and Hannah. We are strictly friends. We just have some stuff in common, and I like hanging out with her. That doesn't change anything between us though. I promise you."

He pulls me into a hug, and I start to tear up a little.

"Let's get out of here." he says while grabbing my hand and walking me to his car.

He starts driving us back to his hotel room, and I feel a lot better about the whole situation since we talked about it now. We pull into the parking lot and walk inside. We take the elevator up to his room and go inside.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink babe?" he asks me as we walk in.

I bump into him when I turn around to tell him I'm fine. He chuckles and looks into my eyes. We stand there for a few seconds before his lips crash down on mine. He pulls me even closer to him as we kiss in the living room. He pulls me up, and I wrap my legs around him. He walks into his bedroom without removing his lips from mine. He sits me down on the bed and starts taking of his shirt. He lays down, and we start kissing again. I lay on top of him and start kissing his neck. He starts letting out little moans, and it's so fucking adorable. He starts to moan a name, and I stop dead in my tracks when I hear what he says.

I sit up and just look at him.

"Haley, you know I didn't mean it. "

"You just said her name Austin. You said Hannah."

I get off of him and grab my stuff.

"Haley, wait!"

"No Austin."

I slam the door in his face and leave out the front door. I get in the elevator and it closes before he can get to me. I slide down in the corner, put my head in my hands, and begin to sob.


Here's an update for you guys! Let me know what you think about it! So this whole chapter was basically a vent for me. Hope it is decent though. Listened to Three Days Grace as loud as it could go while making it. I don't think I'm going to have a schedule for updating anymore really. It is summer now, and I can't guarantee specific days anymore.

Also, 25 K reads! That's insane! Thanks for everything!

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