Chapter 7

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Austin's P.O.V

"Austin, wake up!"
"Just 5 more minutes."
"Dude, it's already 3 in the afternoon, get up."

I crack my eyes open, and the sun shining in makes me close them again. I open them again and see Aaron standing over me. I sit up too fast and feel a sharp pain in my head. I try to talk to him and I notice my jaw hurts really bad.

"What happened last night?" I ask holding my head.

"You and the rest of the band got drunk at that bar after the meet and greet..."

"Why does my jaw ache so bad?"

"Oh, you got punched." He tries to hide a laugh when he tells me.

I stand up and walk over to the mirror in the bathroom. I look wasted, and the closer I look I realize I have a bruise on my jaw line and a hickey on my neck.

"Aaron, where did this hickey come from, and why did I get punched!?"

"Okay. We were at the bar, and you and the rest of the guys started to drink a lot of beer.."

I interrupt him, "I got that part, the rest please."

He looks annoyed then starts again, "Anyways, you were drunk and a couple girls came around you guys. One of them started flirting with you, and the rest of us, and she started kissing you. You pushed her off, and she fell to the ground. You didn't mean to knock her down, but her boyfriend didn't like it very well. He came over, punched you, then knocked you unconscious. I got you up and got the rest of the band back home and yep, that's pretty much how last night went..."

"I pushed a girl down?"

"Yeah, she hit pretty hard but didn't seem to hurt her that much." Aaron reassures me.

"I've never seen you do that before, it must've been because of that Haley girl..."

Haley! I remember that I was going to try to find her somehow today. It might have to wait a little while though until this headache goes away.

The rest of the band starts to wake up, and they all have headaches from last night too. I grab a water and throw a couple at them too.

After a couple hours of hanging out, drinking water, and taking a headache medication, my headache is pretty much gone. I still can't think of a way to find Haley though. All I have to find her is that she lives in North Carolina and that picture Aaron got.

"You found that girl yet Austin?" Phil questions me.

"No. I can't think of how to do it..."

Tino lights up like he has an idea and says," ooohh, you should do one of those hashtag things, you know, those are always popular on Instagram and stuff." He talks like he's a teenage girl and we can't help but laugh!

That's stupid.. wait, maybe he's on to something. I could put the picture I have of her on twitter and if enough people spread it around, she'll eventually have to see it!

The guys notice me thinking and Aaron asks me, "Finally figure it out?"

"I can put her picture on twitter, and she can see it on there and maybe I can get in touch with her from there!"

"What if she doesn't have a Twitter account?" Alan asks.

"Well fuck. You always think of the negative things Alan! Anyways, I hope she does." I chuckle and pull my phone out.

I pull up the picture on twitter and caption in "My awesome fan Haley (: Get this around so she can see this picture!" I post it, and I already have about 1000 retweets! It shouldn't take that long for her to see it.

I stand up and announce that I'm going back to bed for the night. Hopefully I'll have some good news when I wake up...

Sorry the chapters have been in Austin's P.O.V so much but they kinda need to be... Haley, Ashton, and Jade are just driving back to North Carolina right now so you're not missing much!
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