𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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In English class we had to do some group project and apparently you had to work with the person next to you which for me meant the new girl. She was beautiful and popular. Even though it was still her first day. She spoke fluent French with some tiny mistakes but who could blame her? She wasn't French herself. I turned my face towards her and she smiled at me sweetly. I smiled back at her.

P: "hey. I'm Pierre by the way."

R: "Ryle. Nice to meet you."

P: "is Ryle short for I don't know... Riley or something like that?"

R: "nope. Just Ryle."

P: "okay then... just Ryle."

She let a giggle roll over her lips. She looked at me with her bright green eyes and for a single moment my heart stopped with beating. She opened her book and that was when my heart started beating again.

P: "so... what sport do you do? As this is a top sport school..."

R: "motor cross... with dirt bikes."

P: "really? Wouldn't take you for the kind to like to get dirty with mud and all."

R: "believe me your not the first to say so. What about you? What do you do?"

P: "I'm into racing. Eurocup at the moment but I'll go to formula 3 next year."

R: "race guy... I like it."

I felt my cheeks warm up at her words as I smiled at her. She smiled at me as well before her phone vibrated which made her look away. She turned it off and looked back at my eyes.

R: "let's begin with this assignment then?"

P: "of course."

She rolled up the sleeves of her uniform button up and grabbed a pen before we started as she wrote everything down with her elegant and perfect handwriting. Did this girl even have a flaw? The lesson went by faster then I thought and soon we were packing our bags.

R: "want to finish this project after school?"

P: "yea sounds good."

R: " I'll send you my address alright?"

P: "sounds perfect to me."

She smiled at me before she walked out of the class with her friends. Before leaving she locked eyes with me one more time and smiled with her sweet smile. The rest of the went by soooo slow. It was horrible, almost a punishment for liking Ryle this much already even though it was the first hour I spoke to her for a little. When the day was over I got a text message from Ryle on my phone.

𝐑𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐯𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭
See you around 16:00 at my please?
My address is *********** **

I smiled at it and realized I could go home for a change first. I pulled on a pair of blue jeans with a simple white shirt. I pulled on my white sneakers and took my scooter towards the address she send me. I was in the middle of nowhere... literally. I looked on my google maps and saw I should be there any minute now. I stopped in front of a huge barn. There were a lot of horses in the meadow and a lot of buildings around the house in the front. I looked at it and then I saw the door open of the house. The blonde girl walked out and waved at me as she came towards me. She wore a pair of grey jeans with a black turtleneck and a black leather jacket and a pair of white shoes... with some dirty stripes on them.

R: "hey your here!"

P: "yea... what is this place?"

R: "my home."

P: "I figured that out yes."

R: "I can show you around if you want?"

P: "I would like that."

She showed me around the stables of the horses, outdoor arena, indoor arena, meadows paddocks and all the other horse related stuff before we arrived on the back of the terrain. She pushed a huge door open and inside were lots of dirt bikes. There were to many to count.

R: "these are from my brother and me. My father used to ride but he doesn't ride anymore. He still helps us fix the bikes though. Oh and the horses are my moms with one of mine."

P: "wauw... there are a lot of dirt bikes here."

R: "yea we know... it got out of hand."

She pushed another door open which revealed a huge dirt bike track. I widened my eyes and saw someone riding one of the bikes around dirt flying everywhere. He stopped at us and took off his helmet. He ran his hand through his brown hair and smiled at Ryle.

R: "nice ride Zac."

Z: "thanks sis. So who is your little friend?"

R: "Zac this is Pierre my class mate. Pierre this is Zac my older brother."

He gave me a nod before pulling on his helmet. He turned his head back to Ryle.

Z: "you need to train still right?"

R: "yea."

He sped away making dirt fly around us as Ryle pulled me back inside making sure we wouldn't get too dirty. She laughed to herself before closing the door and leading me inside the house.

R: "well that's my home."

She smiled at me as she led me to the kitchen. She pointed to a bar where her books were already laid open. She walked to a cabinet and opened it.

R: "want a drink?"

P: "no thank you. I'm good."

She gave me a nod as I sat down on one of the high chairs. She sat down next to me and she smiled at me with her sweet smile again. We started working before I heard a Spanish woman's voice.

X: "Ryle?! Dónde estás?!"
(Ryle?! Where are you?!)

T: "estoy en la cocina mamá!"
(In the kitchen mama)

X: "uno de los caballos estalló!  ven a ayudarme ahora!"
(One of the horse broke out! Come help me now!)

R: "Sí!"

She sighed as she walked to the back door and pulled on a pair of dirty sneakers. She looked at me with a polite smile.

R: "one of the horses broke out. I'll be back in a few okay? You can walk around the terrain if you like?"

P: "I'm good thanks."

She gave me a nod. She opened the door and I saw her run to the horse barn. Not to long after I saw her walk with a huge brown horse. The horse wore a red blanket with in black letters Caramba on the side. Would that be the nam of the horse?

(1105 words)

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