𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

910 21 3

A/N: I was planning on uploading like 4 days ago but this damn app wouldn't even open for that time😭! Luckily because of the new update on the app I could :))!


Pierre ran after me as I turned the corner I saw my mother pull hard on the arm of a small girl. She was holding a horse whip that she used to beat me with when I was smaller. I picked up the kid in a swift move and she looked exactly like a mix of Zach and me... that's not possible...

X: "Ryle? Honey what are you doing home."

I gave my mother a dirty look before I set the girl on the ground again. I pushed her hair behind her ear as she stood between my legs.

R: "are you okay kiddo?"

?: "I am now thank you miss..."

R: "you see that guy over there? That's Pierre. Can you go say hi to him?"

?: "yes I think I can."

The girl ran to Pierre as I turned around to my mother. She looked at me angrily and I shook my head at her.

R: "who's kid is that?"

X: "Zach's kid... he knocked up his girlfriend before dying. His girlfriend broke up with him and said she didn't want anything to do with the child so he should give custody to someone of his family for if something happens. She was a week old when she got here."

R: "who did he leave custody to?"

X: " ...he left custody to you."

R: "so technically you were beating up my child?! You've got some nerves. Your no mother of mine. Take the stuff she has out of her room. I'm taking her with me. I'm giving her a life she will love because everybody deserves that."

My mother huffed and before she wanted to speak up I cut her off.

R: "you want to fight for custody? Because we both know I was a lawyer myself. You won't stand a chance against me."

My mother shook her head as a few tears welled up in her eyes.

X: "you don't understand Ryle. She's the only thing that reminds me of Zach and you."

R: "maybe if you were a better mother we wouldn't both leave you. We did that with a reason. Get her stuff please. I want to take her where she belongs."

My mother walked inside as I walked to Pierre and the little girl. I looked at Pierre and sighed.

R: "she's Zach's kid... I have custody for her so I guess I'll have a kid from now on."

P: "what? Really?"

R: "yes..."

I kneeled down and took the hands of the small girl in mine. I planted a kiss on her fingers as she looked at me confused.

R: "it's alright sweetheart. You'll be safe with me from now on okay? You'll never have to get back here."

?: "are you my mom?"

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