𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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Within one day I became Pierre his trainer when I came back graduation. We signed the contract next day and Pierre wouldn't stop smiling at me. I got his old training scheme and diet program. We were both sitting in a private plane towards monza right now. I was sitting opposite of Pierre. Cross legged with a laptop in my lap as I felt Pierre his eyes roam over my body. I looked up through my lashes at him and smiled softly as his eyes locked with mine.

R: "something wrong?"

P: "mmm... no just enjoying my sight."

I softly shook my head before returning my concentration to my laptop. I was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants with a Alpha Tauri hoodie. My hair in a messy bun and my white stan smith sneakers on the ground next to me. I looked like a mess but it was comfy so I couldn't care less. Pierre stood up from his seat and placed his hands on the sides of my chair as his face was close to mine. I blinked as I turned my attention towards him. His eyes scanning my face and a smile coming to his face. He licked his lips softly as I looked up at his eyes. His eyes staring into mine. He inched closer slowly and gently kissed my lips. When he pulled away he had this big smile on his face.

P: "I just can't stop doing that."

R: "mmm control it Gasly. You don't want the whole world finding out right now."

P: "mmm and what if you would be my girlfriend..."

R: "I suppose we could then. But then again in the past 5 years we've seen each other once. I was in the US for my education and with covid in between I needed an extra year."

P: "that's true but my love towards you hasn't changed once."

I chuckled softly as he pecked my lips one more time before sitting back down again. His smile still plastered on his face as he took out his phone. My eyes focusing back on my laptop to rearrange his training schedule and diet program. I used my knowledge and research for it and when we were about to land I finished the schedule for the coming week. I quickly placed away my stuff and buckled myself up again for the landing. When we landed I pulled out the messy bun and just flipped my hair into a normal high ponytail as I took my backpack from the seat next to me and placed it on one of my shoulders. Pierre gently laid his hand on my lower back and let me go out first. We thanked the captain and then walked off the plane with our suitcases. We went into the car and drove to the hotel. When we arrived it was already late and a yawn escaped my lips as Pierre pulled our suitcases out of the trunk. He chuckled softly at me before he pulled both of our suitcases with him. I smiled at the gesture and walked after him. The way he took my stuff with him... just like in high school. I didn't argue it because I was too tired to do so. Pierre checked us in and we went up to the third floor he opened a door and we walked into the room. There were two big beds while we were just with 2 there was room for 4. I laid my bag down by the desk as Pierre rolled the suitcases to the end of the room. I switched the light of the bathroom on and I looked at the space. It was al so nice! I walked back to the bedroom and saw Pierre went out on the balcony to look at the sight. I opened my suitcase and took my stuff for the night as Pierre walked back inside. He took his stuff as well and we both went to the bathroom. We brushed our teeth and afterwards Pierre went to the bedroom to change and lay in bed as I removed the light make up on my face. I changed myself into a pair of blue shorts with a white oversized shirt. I let my hair hang loose by my face as I placed all my stuff away and then entered the bedroom again. Pierre was just laying down in his shorts. No shirt. Damn he looks so good. Unbelievable. He looked up at me and smiled. He opened the duvet and tapped the bed. I walked over to him with my phone in my hand and laid down on the bed. He pulled the duvet over me and let his head rest on the pillow just like I did.

P: "so what's the plan tomorrow."

R: "alarm goes at 9. We've a gym work out planned and then at 12 we've to be at the circuit for media day. We'll be back later that evening as you also have to do your track walk. Oh if you go on a run with your track walk you don't have to do that when we're back. So you can rest a little more then."

P: "sounds fine to me."

He climbed out of the bed and I looked at him a little bit confused.

R: "where are you going?"

P: "the bed... so we can go to sleep."

R: "you could have just staid you know. I don't mind."

He looked at me from the other bed and smiled softly at me.

P: "no I'm not gonna do that. Not very gentlemanly."

I giggled softly as we smiled at each other.

P: "good night Ryle."

R: "good night Pierre."

We both turned in a comfortable position after Pierre switched off the light and we both fell to sleep peacefully before a busy day.

(982 words)

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