𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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(A/N: hi babes! Before you start reading this chapter I wanted to let you guys now I made a TikTok account for some random one shots (not specifically F1 but I can always add those;))! I just started it today and posted my first video so if you would like to support and help me grow on there too it would mean a lot to me! The tik tok account is "oneshots.d33"! Thank you!)


The Friday alarm went off on Ryle her phone. She didn't turn it off so I rolled over to see her bed already empty. I furrowed my eyebrows and then rubbed my eyes. I turned the alarm off and looked around the room but couldn't find anyone. I just staid in bed for a few minutes scrolling on my phone. The door opened and Ryle walked in.

R: "wakey wakey Gasly!"

P: "I'm awake no worries."

R: "time to change lazy ass. We've got to get moving. You still have to shower and so do I!"

She was doing something in the bathroom before coming into the room. She was wearing a pair of olive green Nike pro shorts with her black running shoes and a black sports bra. Her face was red and sweaty as she placed her water bottle away.

P: "what did you do?"

R: "I had my morning work out."

P: "without me."

R: "you don't have a work out now. Yours is tonight after dinner."

P: "nooo...."

R: "yeeesss."

P: "I hate you..."

She was standing next to her bed looking at her phone. She grinned slightly at my words as I staid looking at her. She laid her phone down and moved her face to a few inches in front of me. I could taste her lips already from over here. She smiled at me softly and let a soft giggle roll over those beautiful lips that I could look at the whole day.

R: "we both know you don't."

She licked her lips gently and then walked to the bathroom. I groaned into my hands. Why does she have that god damn effect on everybody... 15 minutes later she walked into the room again. Just like yesterday she wore a towel around her body. She had no idea how good she looked. If I could I would take her right here right now. Her hair was loose this time. The blonde strands hanging cutely around her face as her freckles popped off her face more then normally. I swallowed hard when she smiled softly at me showing her cute little dimples.

P: "stop looking so damn beautiful all the time..."

She giggled softly as she shook her head. I stood up from my bed and walked over to her. I pulled her against my body with my hands on her hips as her right hand landed on my bare chest and her left hand held her towel in place as she didn't really expect it.

P: "I swear to god Ryle..."

R: "your gonna make me blush."

P: "I have that effect on people..."

R: "there goes that big ego of yours rising by the minute..."

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