𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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Max was getting his divorce today in court and even though I had never met his wife here I was. Sitting in the court room as Max asked me to come and support him and help him where I could. The doors opened and Max walked in with his lawyer Mark. Not even minutes later the doors opened again and a blonde girl walked in. She wore a pair of high waisted crème pantalons, a silky white button up tucked into her pantalons, a pair of crème high heels, a slick low bun with her blonde hair and a pair of transparent glasses. I took a look to the eyes behind the glasses and saw the poisonous green eyes from 3 years ago. My heart skipped a beat as her eyes met with mine and she smiled softly at me before turning her head away and walking further into the room. She sat down behind her table alone. The case was started and the arguments were strong.

R: "people say you fall in love... but fall is such a sad word when you think about it. Falls... they are never good. You fall on the ground, you fall behind, you fall to your death. Whoever was the first person to say this... must have already fallen out of it..."

The whole room was silent as they listened to her words carefully.

R: "Max and I... we fell out of love the second we fell in love. So you could say safely that we never even fell in love. That's the reason we want this divorce your honor... and let me tell you why I think we should split our money equally. The past years I grew apart from my parents because Max asked me too. I had only a little contact with my brother who tragically passed away last week by a dirt bike incident. I have no family left because I don't have contact with them and I don't know how to get that back. It's a unseen scar that he did give me. Every penny I have earned till this day... has also cost me hurt. Because every time I got home. I knew that my husband would go crazy again. That I would spend the night crying away in the guest room bed. That plates would fly past my head and in this file... you can see the night it hit me. The flying plate that Max threw at me."

She gave all kind of arguments with content that Max and his lawyer couldn't even argue with. She gave the judge one last file.

R: "I would also like to buy this property of us for 500.000."

M: "I'll pay 600.000"

R: "800.000"

M: "a million!"

R: "2 million."

M: "3 million! My final offer."

R: "congrats. You just bought our house for 3 million that will go straight to me. Lovely seeing you in court. Have a good day."

She picked up all her files and left the room as she smiled at me again as I smiled back at her. Max was throwing a fit at his lawyer as I almost run out of the building. Ryle walking down the stairs outside as I ran down the stairs. I stopped on the step in front of her. She looked at my eyes and smiled.

R: "hai..."

P: "hey gorgeous..."

R: "how are you?"

P: "better now I know your all free again."

R: "I have been waiting to see you again."

P: "I've been waiting since the second you left."

She giggled softly before she cupped my face softly before placing her lips on top of mine as she hovered over me slightly because she was a step higher up. I laid my hand on her waist as I deepened the kiss before she pulled away.

P: "why would you kiss me?"

R: "because I wanted to taste you..."

P: "well... what do I taste like?"

R: "como alguien que necesito."

She smiled softly at me and then walked past me down the last few steps of the stairs.

R: "I'll contact you when I'm back..."

P: "where are you going?"

R: "I'm going to get the education and job that I've always dreamed about... I'm going to the US to be become a professional physiotherapist and personal trainer..."

She smiled at me with a bit of a sorry face before turning around and walking away. Before turning around the corner she looked at me one more time before disappearing again. At least I know she's fine now and she will be able to follow her dreams.

(775 words)

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