𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏

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The morning came and I was still sitting on Diem her bed with Diem sleeping next to me. She woke up every 15 minutes and I left the door a little bit open so I could hear if anyone was awake. Around 9 AM I took Diem downstairs and let her watch tv as I made her something small and simple to eat and drink. When I handed it to her the downstairs door creaked open. Pierre walked in in his sweatpants and shirt as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and gently smiled at me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the temple on my head.

P: "you've been up all night haven't you?"

R: "yea...

P: "go to sleep darling. I'll take it from here and my parents are gonna be up any moment as well so they could help as well."

R: "no it's okay. I'll stay up."

P: "come on love. You've to sleep."

R: "but Diem is sick."

P: "and I will look after her."

I sighed and finally gave in as he pecked my lips and gently pushed me to the door. I made my way upstairs and climbed into bed. My eyes closed within seconds and I drifted off to a darkness that many knew and was very comfortable. A gentle hand on my face made me wake up and I saw Pierre hanging over me. He kissed my cheek gently as he smiled at my sleepy face.

P: "thought I would wake you up... it's 12:30 now."

R: "thank you... how's Diem?"

P: "better. She's watching a movie on her iPad while laying on the couch with my dad."

R: "good."

I woke up a little more before I went down with Pierre. I wore the same sweatpants and shirt as I pulled on last night. I walked down with my messy bun messier then before. I came downstairs and like Pierre said Diem was watching a movie on her iPad while laying on the couch. Her head was on against the leg of Pierre his father. Diem saw me and rushed towards me. I picked her up and wrapped my arms around her just below her bum for a little support.

D: "mommy! You're awake."

R: "I am awake yes. How are you feeling darling?"

D: "almost better! I'm a little tired but that's okay."

R: "mhm. You sound better too. Maybe a little nap after lunchtime?"

D: "will you stay with me?"

R: "maybe okay? I can't promise you but I can always put you in bed and wait till your asleep okay? Or you can ask dad..."

She gave me a nod before she kissed my cheek. I placed her back on the ground before she went back to her old position to watch her movie again. I walked into the kitchen and saw Pierre and his mom talking. I wrapped my arms around Pierre his back hugging him. He placed her hands on my arm and rubbed them slowly with his thumbs as he continued talking with his mom. I yawned as my head rested on his back. His muscles were relaxed as he was calmly breathing and talking. When his mom left the kitchen he turned us around so we were face to face.

P: "hey baby."

R: "hai."

He pecked my lips gently a few times before smiling lovingly at me while he played with a few loose strands around my face.

P: "you remember that all white festival we went to when we were younger?"

R: "yea... I loved that so much."

P: "it's tonight... and I've got 2 tickets."

R: "no you don't!"

P: "yes I do."

I kissed Pierre his lips with a big smile as I did a little happy dance. Pierre laughed at the silly dance softly.

R: "you have no idea how much I love you!"

P: "must be a lot then."

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He picked me up from the ground as I let my legs just hang out. He held me with one arm as he tapped my legs with his free hand. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he wrapped his other arm around me again.

P: "why are you so light?"

R: "I would say why are you so strong but then again... I'm your trainer so that's not a question."

P: "cocky."

He threw me over his shoulder making my head hang upside down. I let out soft scream as he grabbed my legs just in time for me not to fall to the ground.


P: "almost yes! Not quite!"

R: "fucking asshole!"

I stuck my finger in his ass and as reaction he pulled both of his hands towards his ass dropping me on te ground. I started laughing hard as I turned around facing the ground.

P: "oh my... Ryle? Are you okay?!"

I turned around grabbing my stomach as I started crying from laughter. He let out a relieved sigh as his mother came to us as she probably heard some hard bang. Pierre looked at his mother scratching his neck as I had stopped laughing.

MP: "what happened here?"

P: "I uhm... I dropped her."

MP: "Careful! Your breaking my daughter!"

P: "wha-"

MP: "shush!"

R: "yea Pierre. Shush."

P: "sometimes I'm wondering if you're my girlfriend, trainer or my sibling."

R: "oh shut up. You love it."

P: "well I don't want sex with my sibling."

He slapped a hand over his mouth as he widened his eyes and he looked at his mom. I started giggling again as his mother smiled disapprovingly at Pierre his words. God he's such an idiot sometimes. He scratched his neck as I still laid on the ground. He looked at me before stretching out his hand. I took it and he easily pulled me up. He kissed my cheek gently before his mom left us. I slapped the back of his head hard and he groaned.

P: "Aahh! What was that for?!"

R: "for dropping me asshole."

I walked back to the living room as Pierre followed me smacking my ass while passing me. I gave him a annoyed look and he just smiled widely at me.

(1060 words)

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