𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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-𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝  𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬  𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰-

Calm and silent evenings weren't a thing anymore in the Verstappen house. Ryle Verstappen and Max Verstappen fighting over the smallest things. Max making a problem over everything. Ryle her job as a lawyer was his biggest issue. She was too busy to support him that's what he said but if you asked her. She was there more then anyone in his family. They had been married for 3 years now. Ryle only 21 but at the top of her career. She's one of the best lawyers world wide while Max was a successful F1 driver...

Screams echoed through the rooms,
Tears droplets fell onto the ground as they ran down Ryle her eyes,
Plates and glasses flying around her head as he threw them at her,
The air full of tension,
Shattering sounds all around Ryle her ears,
Her body pressed against the wall to keep herself steady for the next thing he would throw,
Him looking for anything to throw while screaming at the top of his lungs,
And that's... that's when a piece cut her hard past her cheek,
Something that didn't happen yet,
Something she was afraid for,
Something he didn't expect,
His anger growing away,
His concern for his beautiful wife growing,
Him becoming the other person again,
The caring husband growing into him,
Her whole body trembling as he came closer,
Her running out of the house and disappearing into the dark and cold night as he staid there,
Grabbing his phone and calling someone,
That someone arriving soon at their house,
Clothes flying around the house,
Him making love to someone,
Someone who's not her...

She came home after clearing her head,
She walked into the house and saw a bra lying on the bathroom floor. Picking it up between her fingers she realized... that's not her cup size. That's not her bra. She walked back into the bedroom where Max was sitting on the bed with his phone. He looked up as his wife walked into the room. His eyes widening at the thing hanging on her index finger.

R: "I have my glasses on so I'm sure I'm seeing it right Max... care to explain?"

M: "it's no big deal. I just let somebody do your job of pleasing me."

R: "that's against marriage rules."

M: "so?"

R: "I want a divorce. I'm over your shit!"

M: "finally. I was waiting for this."

A huff left the girls mouth as she rolled her eyes. She grabbed her pyjama's and angrily stormed out of the room. She cuddled up into the bed of one of the guest rooms and as the morning came she noticed someone was spooning her.

R: "what are you doing Max."

M: "I'm sorry my love. I didn't know what was wrong with me... I just lost control."

R: "oh don't worry. I already signed my part of the divorce papers."

M: "what?!"

R: "we will discuss who gets what in court."


I climbed out of my bed and grabbed most of my stuff before leaving the house behind. I found myself a hotel for the coming week and went there after I grabbed most of my belongings. When I arrived there I unpacked my stuff a little and went to work on my laptop. I didn't really know what to do otherwise to keep my mind busy for a bit....

(569 words)

A/N: hey babes! I'm going on vacation tomorrow morning and won't have Wi-Fi on the camping so I will try to upload whenever I have Wi-Fi! Love you lots and will see you as soon as possible!

(Vacation date: 24/07 ——> 12/08)

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