𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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I walked into the stables Dean was standing. I always had a special whistle for him so I did our whistle and a loud scream escaped his mouth as he looked at me. Tears sting in my eyes as I looked at the gelding. He was 16 years old now... 5 years... that's how long I had to miss my heart horse. I sped up my walk and wrapped my arms around the neck of the big gelding. He was in a sales stable now. My baby was gonna be sold again. He deserves a steady home. The person who trained him now a day handed me a lead rope with a smile. Her name was Tiffany.

T: "I haven't seen him this happy since he arrived here a year ago..."

R: "I've had him since he was a foal... I know him inside out. I was only 7 when he was born but I asked my mom if he could be mine because I felt he was supposed to be mine."

T: "want to take him for a ride?"

R: "I would love too... I just don't have any boots or helmets anymore..."

T: "we might have a fitting helmet. You can go bareback if you want?"

R: "that would be amazing."

I groomed him together with Diem and then pulled on the helmet of Tiffany who had the same size helmet luckily. I pulled on Dean his bridle before I took him to the arena with Diem on my hip. I kissed her cheek before placing her down.

R: "Dee can you watch together with dad?"

D: "of course mommy! Can I ride too?"

R: "if he's calm enough I'll let you cool down with me okay?"

D: "okay!"

She walked to Pierre who picked her up and placed a kiss on her cheek as well. Diem said something to Pierre making him smile and say something back. God I love them so so much... I turned my face back to Dean and sighed contently. I love this horse too. I climbed on and started riding. Tiffany helped me with putting the jumps up higher and higher when I asked her too. It felt like... coming home. Jumping Dean bare back was like coming home. Like I was complete again. Tiffany placed the jump higher again and Pierre pulled his phone out to film my jump. Dean cleared it easily like it was absolutely nothing and I immediately rewarded him. God he was still the horse I grew up with.

I sighed as Pierre lifted Diem up to put her in front of me on Dean

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I sighed as Pierre lifted Diem up to put her in front of me on Dean. Dean was a gentle horse and still is so I trusted him to take Diem and I for a slow cool down lap. Diem was happy as she sat in front of me. I held the reins as my arms were under neath her armpits to keep her in place a bit better. She absolutely loved it. When we were done I thanked Tiffany for her help and that this was possible before I said bye to Dean again.

T: "I'm probably gonna buy him myself... he's just amazing and I would love to compete him myself. Pierre has my number so if you ever wanna visit just give me a call."

R: "thank you. That's means a lot."

We said our byes before we went to the car Pierre made sure Diem was all secured in the seat behind the passengers seat as I threw some stuff in the trunk. Pierre walked towards me to go to the drivers seat but I spoke up before he walked past me completely.

R: "thank you Pierre."

P: "it's the least I could do for you."

R: "why? You don't owe me anything?"

He wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me. I wrapped my arms around his torso as we looked at each other.

P: "I owe you the world my love... because you are my world and always will be wether you like it or not. So I do owe you. I want to do anything to make you the happiest person alive."

R: "I only need you and Diem for that."

P: "I know... but this was something you needed to be even happier... knowing that Dean is okay."

R: "you know me too well."

I kissed his lips as he kissed mine back. When we let go we climbed into the car and Pierre started the engine. I turned my head to look at Diem behind me who was looking at the horses in their fields.

R: "Diem? You want Mac Donald's?"


She cheered happily making me smile widely. I looked at Pierre who groaned.

P: "so your gonna let her eat McDonald's while we can't even have it?!"

R: "yes. Shut up and be a good dad."

P: "ah rude!"

I looked at him and he just smiled. He's annoying and the best... depends on the moment but at the end of the day I love him... I always will.

We arrived back at home and Diem was telling Pierre his parents all about the things she did and saw today. They were listening to her like the grand parents they are for here. Pierre and I were packing our suitcases again, after our training, as we would go to the airport tomorrow afternoon to fly out for the next race in Texas. I was done packing and dropped myself on my suitcase hoping it would shut. When it didn't I groaned. Pierre laughed at me. I glared at him and groaned again.

R: "I'm fine if you laugh if you at least help me..."

P: "can't you leave some stuff here?"

R: "no! I need my clothes!"

P: "I have some room left... Open it up so we can get some into mine."

I pulled it open again as Pierre looked at my clothes. He looked confused before he looked at me.

P: "why do you need so many bikinis and dresses?"

R: "what? You don't want me to look good?"

P: "you look good in everything love."

R: "exactly! That's why I'm taking everything!"

P: "god your such a dummy sometimes."

He transferred some of my clothes before we both closed our suitcases and were all packed.

(1057 words)

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