𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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R: "Pierre! Can I come in?"

I knocked on the door of his drivers room as a muffled yes was my clue to open the door. I walked in as he was shirtless. Damn he's hot.

R: "ready for FP2?"

P: "definitely."

R: "good to know."

P: "I didn't know you did modeling by the way."

R: "what?"

P: "you model right? I didn't know that."

R: "because I never told you yeah. I do though. Whenever I've time for it. It's easy to combine with traveling with you."

P: "mmm... with your beauty I didn't expect less."

R: "oh shut up."

P: "accept the compliment Ryle."

R: "nope."

P: "why not?"

R: "because you're flattering me."

P: "no I'm telling facts."

I rolled my eyes at him and huffed softly. Pierre looked at me and closed his eyes to small stripes as he looked suspicious at me. I threw his fire proof shirt to him and he just pulled it on. I helped him warm-up. I uploaded a story of his warm-up to my story and then turned my phone off again to help Pierre with warming up further. We walked to the garage together as Pierre quickly talked to his engineers and mechanics before returning to me. I handed him his earplugs. Then his balaclava and finally his helmet. His visor was still up and I saw he didn't pull off the first strip of the visor where I had wrote which one I tapped on. I giggled softly before I pulled it off myself. He stared at me as I did so and when I looked at him I could see he was smiling.

R: "come on. Time to get into the car!"

I pushed his head into the direction of the car and he walked to the car looking over his shoulder at me. He got strapped into the car and then drove out again. I watched the session on the tv screen and after he finished we went through the same routine as FP1. Pierre finished everything up as I packed our things up so we could go back. We grabbed dinner on the way and when we arrived back at the hotel Pierre face palmed onto his bed.

R: "come on lazy ass. Work out time."

I threw him a pair of his shorts and a shirt before grabbing my own blue Nike pro shorts and a white sports bra with a white sports shirt. I walked to the bathroom and changed when I saw I forgot to put in my earrings and piercings again. I do forget every time though. I took all my rings out of my toiletries bag and when I had the first 7 done on my left ear I heard Pierre yelling.

P: "what's taking you so long?!"

R: "my earrings!"

P: "you've earrings?!"

R: "yes! 14 of them!"

P: "14?!"

I opened the door as I closed the last one and picked up my shoes I tied them and stood up. Pierre was standing in front of me and pushed my hair behind my ears to see all 14 piercings in my ear.

P: "okay I think 14 is too much but it does suit you so I approve."

R: "thanks?"

P: "that's a compliment."

I giggled softly before I pulled my hair into a ponytail half way my head. He looked at my ears again. He really didn't notice the holes in my ears?

R: "stop looking at my ears."

P: "it looks sexy."

R: "I don't care. We've got a work out to do come on. Move your fat ass!"

P: "I have a better ass then you!"

R: "you wish."

We walked to the gym and after our work out the sun was setting slowly. I felt a slight breeze gently caress my face as I closed my eyes for a split second. Pierre and I went back to our hotel room. Pierre showered first as I was laying on my bed on my stomach. When he walked back into the room he had a towel wrapped around his hips showing off his abs. I stood up and pulled off my shirt and threw it in my suitcase between the rest of my dirty clothes. I felt Pierre his hand on my stomach as his chest was pressed against my back. I felt his lips brush against the back of my ear over my piercings.

P: "no word can describe you correctly Ryle... your beautiful... hot... sexy... and so much more inside and outside..."

A shiver ran down my spine as his breath touched my ear and his mouth moved. God damnit Pierre. Why does he have to have this effect on me. His hand left my stomach as he walked to the wardrobe to take his clothes out of it. I took a deep breath and walked to the bathroom to take my shower. I rinsed my body off as my hair was up in a messy bun so it would stay dry as I washed it only this morning. Afterwards I removed my make-up of the day and pulled my clothes on. I pulled my grey shorts on and topped it with a simple red shirt. I left my hair in the messy bun and I decided to leave my piercings in as well. I might just leave them in all the time because I forget to put them in every time. I laid down on my bed and looked at the time 22:17PM. I looked at Pierre who was still on his Instagram scrolling around. I turned on my alarm and plugged my charger into my phone. A moaning sound came out of my phone and Pierre bursted out in laughter.

R: "you bastard! I leave my phone in the room one time! One time!"

I stood up from my bed and started hitting him with my pillow a few times before laying back down on my bed. He grabbed my phone and turned it off again. I shook my head at him before I said thank you and plugged my phone in again this time without a sound.

P: "sleep well Ryle."

R: "good night."

He turned the lights off as his phone was now the only light in the room. I looked at his face for a little before turning on my other side and closing my eyes.

(1075 words)

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