𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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I arrived at school and turned off the engine of my dirt bike that I took out to school most of the time. I hadn't pulled off my helmet yet as I felt a pair of hands sneak around my waist. I looked up and saw Pierre. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly back. He's been away for some days. Wednesday to Monday for his race. I was away Friday to Wednesday for my race event and then horse competition so we hadn't seen each other in a week and we grew so close that we saw each other everyday when possible. I pulled off my helmet and shook my hair back before pecking Pierre his lips. I climbed off as he took my schoolbag from me. He swung it on his free shoulder before taking my hand. We walked inside together and I loved it. I loved the fact that he was showing me off so much. I loved him. He's amazing...

P: "I need to go to Chemistry. See you at lunch?"

R: "see you at lunch."

I placed a kiss on his cheek before he let go of my hand and smiled brightly at me as he gave me a wink and walked away. He's so cute. I walked to my French class and sat down next to Celina. She smiled at me as we opened our books and started our conversation about everything and nothing.

C: "ah I just realize that it's almost graduation time for all of us."

R: "time goes fast..."

I looked paved a strand of hair behind my hair as I swallowed. If only everybody knew what I was up to the coming years...

I refocused on the old lady in front of the class as her greasy grey hair was up in a sloppy bun and her long dress was sticky to her body.

School finally finished and Pierre almost tackled me into a hug after our last hour. He placed sloppy kisses from my cheekbone to my collarbone before speaking up.

P: "I'm craving for a beach ride with the dirt bikes. Only if your in and that's possible?"

R: "I'm always in! Race you home?"

P: "see you later loser!"

He ran away as I did the same. I pulled on my helmet and started the dirt bike. I raced home speeding a little too much maybe. When I arrived Pierre wasn't there yet but as I turned off my engine and stepped off Pierre his car arrived. His face was surprised as the visor of my helmet was up. I gave him a wink and ran inside. I heard his footsteps follow me closely and he tackled me onto my own bed. He hovered over me leaning on his elbows. I let my hands run through his hair as he smiled at me. He slowly leaned down and kissed my lips before we heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Pierre let go of my lips and just hugged me before my mom walked into my room.

X: "hey guys! Want a snack?"

P: "yes we would love too."

R: "no thank you I'll pass."

P: "no you need to eat baby. You skipped lunch as well that's fuel for training and gaining your missing. At least have an apple or something."

I looked past Pierre his shoulder to my mom who shook her head.

R: "it's okay. It's just a one time thing."

P: "that's what you always say..."

R: "I promise."

P: "mmm... come on."

We both changed before we went downstairs and sat down as Pierre got his snack and my mom placed a bowl with plain celery sticks in front of me.

X: "eat it Ryle."

I didn't let her tell me twice and started eating the sticks inside it. It was enough to make my stomach quiet luckily. Pierre smiled happily at me. We said bye to my mom and went outside to the barn with all the dirt bikes and other needed stuff.


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𝐑𝐲𝐥𝐞.𝐯𝐰: mi amore🤍


(689 words)

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