𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎

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The race in Singapore and Japan went quite good. We had landed back in Rouen just a few minutes ago and Ryle couldn't wait to see Diem. She rushed us through passport control luggage claim and when we made it to the car she wanted to climb behind the wheel. I pulled her waist back from the seat.

P: "nooo... I'm driving I don't want to die because of your will to see Diem."

R: "oh come on."

I climbed into the seat and pointed at the other seat for Ryle. She groaned and sat down. I drove of us to my parents house and when we arrived the door opened and my father and Diem where standing there. When we both collected our stuff and opened the door Diem immediately ran to Ryle. Ryle kneeled down and embraced her in a hug. They had grown a strong bond in a month but if people would see them they would probably guess Ryle gave birth to Diem. Ryle kissed her cheek as she picked her up and placed her on her hip.

D: "I missed you mommy."

R: I missed you too baby."

D: "hai daddy."

She waved at me excitedly as I smiled at her. She really felt like our own child within a month of time.

P: "hello my princess."

I walked over to them and kissed Diem her forehead.  I sneaked my arm around Ryle her waist pulling both of my girls closer to me. We went inside as I made sure Ryle didn't have to carry her own suitcase inside. We hadn't seen Diem in 2 weeks and that was the max for Ryle. We would be home for a few days to a week depending on when the team booked our flight but then we would be gone almost a month again. When we were inside Diem showed us all the things she did in the past 2 weeks. We listened to her and praised her for all her good work. Diem was smart very smart and Ryle knew exactly how to deal with it as she was just the same. She was also home schooled by her parents till high school. Ryle took Diem upstairs for her shower. I sat down on the couch with my parents but I fell asleep because of the jet lag. I felt a hand play in my hair and when I opened my eyes I was laying on Ryle her lap as she was watching television. I turned my head to the clock and saw it was 2AM. Ryle looked exhausted as she gently smiled at me. I pecked her lips before standing up and turning off the tv. I picked her up bridal style as she let a shocked breath out.

R: "I can walk myself."

P: "I know... doesn't mean you have too."

She giggled softly as I started walking. She placed a kiss on my cheek and leaned her head on my shoulder. I silently went up the stairs step by step.

R:"I love you..."

P:"I love you more."


Her voice was soft and full of tiredness. She probably staid up the whole time. I laid her on the one person bed we shared at my parents house as I laid down next to her. I wanted to peck her lips good night but she pressed her hand in my face.

R:"Ey you didn't brush your teeth."

I slipped out of bed and ran to the bathroom brushing my teeth. When I arrived back I jumped on top of her leaning on my elbows as I kissed her hard. The kiss deepened and my hands found their way underneath her shirt. I pulled my shirt off and tossed it away. We connected our kiss again before we slowly started stripping down further. I pulled on a condom and slowly thrusted into her. Her quiet and soft moans were like music in my ears as we continued for 45 minutes. When we both were tired I dropped next to her and we dressed ourselves before sneaking to the shower. We undressed ourselves again and climbed under the shower. She was the one making the move for round two.

I woke up around 5AM. The place Ryle was laying earlier empty. I looked around the room but didn't see her. I climbed out of the bed and opened my door. I walked around the house in only my sweatpants as I saw light coming from the bathroom. I opened it and saw Diem puking into the toilet as Ryle held the hair back of the 5 year old and gently rubbed her back soothing the little girl.

R: "it's okay Dee... it happens to everyone you don't have to feel sorry."

D: "but you were sleeping when I came in at 4..."

R: "that's alright darling. Your more important to me then sleep. I'll just take a nap later okay?"

D: "okay..."

Diem threw her head in the toilet again as gagging noises came out of her mouth. Ryle planted a kiss on Diem her hair as I stepped into the bathroom further and sat on the other side of Diem.

P: "hey princess... are you okay?"

D: "I feel sick... mommy says it will go over."

P: "of course it will. Just take some rest okay."

Diem her body went unbalanced making her almost fall back but Ryle and I caught her in time. Ryle positioned herself in front of the toilet in a cross legged position taking Diem in her lap. She stroke her hair gently as Diem rested against her body.

R: "you can go back to sleep okay? I'll come when she's feeling a little better okay?"

P: "I'll take it over. You didn't get a lot of sleep yet."

R: "go sleep Pierre. You need for your results."

I kissed the hair of Ryle as Diem went for another puke. I sighed gently at the sight this was gonna be a long night for Ryle.

P: "wake me up if your still up at 7 okay? You need to sleep as well."

R: "okay..."

I pecked her lips before leaving them in the bathroom. Poor Diem...

(1042 words)

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