𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗

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Ryle, Diem and I went shopping the rest of the day to get her some new stuff like an iPad and toys. Diem warmed up quickly to Ryle which is logic I guess. Ryle was gentle and sweet with her so she could get used to her faster. We came back at my parents house and as I took Diem out of the car Ryle took her new stuff out of the trunk. I placed Diem on my hip as she held on to me sweetly. I was closing the door when I felt the lips of Diem on my cheek.

D: "I like you dad."

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Ryle who stopped what she did and looked at me as surprised as I looked at her.

P: "I like you too Diem."

Ryle smiled at us before we went inside. We made everything ready for her and saw that my parents had already set up the bed for her in my room. Ryle kissed Diem her cheek gently as Diem started playing with her new toys. Ryle went upstairs to start getting ready for the event we had in a few hours. We had to leave in about 2 hours from now. After I sat with Diem for at least 40 more minutes I went upstairs myself as well to get ready. Most people got make up artists and stylists for these kind of huge events but Ryle didn't. She just did a bit more then she would usually do but it looked amazing. On her at least. As I walked into the bathroom to fix my hair I saw she had straightened half her hair as I ran my fingers through it. She looked at me through the mirror and smiled gently.

P: "you missed a place Ry."

R: "really? Where?"

I took the straightener from her and gently made sure it was perfectly straightened. I handed it back to her and let my hand run through it again to make sure it was good now.

P: "better."

R: "thank you love."

I placed a few kisses on her cheek before I fixed my own hair and appearance. Ryle was still doing her hair when I was done. She made a slick mid high ponytail back with her straight hair and wrapped a piece of her hair around the elastic band that kept her ponytail up. After I changed into the pants of my suit and I had my button up hanging on my body the door from the bedroom opened and revealed my girlfriend. Her make-up was laid back but there and her hair was perfect without one strand falling out of place. She pecked my lips gently as I pecked her lips another time after that.

P: "hello gorgeous."

R: "hai handsome."

She opened the zipper of her dress cover and carefully took out the dress. There was a pastel green dress coming out of it that looked like a silk dress with a deep V-line and an open back. I think it was more of tight dress then a flowy dress but that would suit Ryle better. She held the dress up and looked at it before she walked to the bathroom. She was definitely look beautiful in that. The color of the dress would make her eyes pop out perfectly and the dress model itself... couldn't be better I think. I pulled on my leather shoes and took my suit jacket with me in my hand downstairs as my black bow tie was hanging around my neck undone. After a while I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and there she was... my beautiful girl. I took her hand and twirled her around gently.

P: "perfect as always."

R: "thank you."

She held her black strap heels in her hand as she kissed my lips gently. I kissed her back before she sat down on the couch she pulled on her heels and then looked over to where Diem was playing. She smiled softly at the little girl playing in front of her. She stood up and walked over to me.

R: "I think we should go public before we take Diem to races... and maybe for the jet leg once try and let her stay with some friends or something? Jet leg is hard to deal with especially for someone her age."

P: "I'm all in for that. We can ask my parents?"

R: "sounds amazing to me."

She kissed my cheek before she turned around and looked at Diem. I wrapped my arms around her and laid my head on her shoulder and kissed her bare shoulder. Her bare back against my button up. I took out a small box and handed it to Ryle.

R: "what's this?"

P: "just a small present for my favorite girl."

She leaned her head against mine and gently opened it. The gold ring with tiny diamonds revealed it self. She turned her head to me a little confused.

P: "I'm not proposing don't worry love. Just see it as... a promise we will get married in a few years from now."

R: "Pierre... it's beautiful. I can't wear that that must cost a fortune."

P: "it wasn't cheap yea but you deserve it."

I kissed her shoulder again as she kept looking at the ring. I took it out of the box and slid it on her ring finger. It fitted perfectly but that was what I expected when I took one of her own rings with me to the shop. She turned around in my arms and cupped my face gently rubbing her thumbs over my face. She smiled happily but still so gentle.

R: "you have no idea how much I love you."

P: "I love you too... more then you can imagine."

I pecked her lips gently before we told Diem to listen to my parents and that we would be back later tonight. Ryle kissed the top of her head before we walked out of the door and went to the event.

(1019 words)

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