𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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2 months past and I fell in love with Ryle badly. She's just perfect in my eyes. We hung out a lot but as friends I guess. I arrived at her house and walked inside the house through the back door.



I walked towards her room where the sound came from and saw her standing in a dress for the beach party we had planned to go to tonight. She smiled at me as I smiled at her.

"Ready to go?"

"Always. You as well?"

I gave her a nod before we went outside and we jumped into my car. We drove to the beach and already heard the loud music. We jumped out and pulled of our sneakers while running to the party laughing together. When we arrived drinks got pushed into our hands as we started singing and dancing just like the rest of the people around us. The sun was setting which created a beautiful light upon everybody their faces. I looked around me and found Ryle dancing a few meters behind me. I made my way towards her and looked at her. God this light made it hard not to kiss her... she sang loudly just like I did before she chucked down the rest of her drink. She wiped her mouth to the back of her hand and sang along again. My next move surprised us both. I leaned down and slammed my lips on top of hers. Our lips moved in sink as our bodies brushed against each other and our hands roamed over each other's body gently but fiercy. When she pulled back she looked at my eyes before a ting smile came on her lips. She grabbed a hand full of my shirt and pulled me closer to her making my lips slam on top of hers again. I pulled her closer to me by her hips and as the music was playing and people were singing, dancing and drinking we were just making out for a few. When we pulled apart again I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. We ran away from the party even though we hadn't even been there for 20 minutes. I heard Ryle laugh behind me as we ran off. When we reached my car we stood stil and I looked at Ryle as I held her hands. I looked at the green eyes that looked content and happy.

P: "I'm in love with you Ryle."

R: "I'm in love with you as well Pierre..."

P: "Do you... uhm... maybe want to be my girlfriend?"

R: "I would love to be your girlfriend."

I smiled at her before I kissed her lips again. We hugged each other and drove back to Ryle's home. It was 23 by now and we walked into the house. Xaviera, Ryle's mom, smiled at us before speaking up with a smile.

X: "hey guys. Your back early... want something to eat? I'm making Zac a sandwich so I can make some for you guys too."

P: "if you don't mind I would love one of your sandwiches! They're the best."

X: "of course no problem! What about you... Ryle?!"

Her voice had an undertone as she looked sternly at Ryle. Ryle shook her head to her mother and placed a few strands of hair behind her ear. Her mother gave her a forced smile before she made another sandwich for me.

R: "I'll be upstairs to change for my evening run. I'll be down in a few okay?"

P: "okay."

I planted a kiss on her temple before she ran up the stairs as her mother looked at me.

X: "are you guys a thing?"

P: "yes we are. An hour or so maybe..."

She gave me a smile and then handed me one of the plates before I followed her outside. She handed the plate to Zac as I sat down next to him. His mom left to go inside and Zac and I started eating.

P: "can I ask you something?"

Z: "of course."

P: "your mom asked if Ryle and I wanted a sandwich as well but she said no after your mother changed her tone towards her... I realized I have never seen Ryle eat anything with a lot of calories... no chocolate, no candy, no sugar. Why is that?"

Zac looked at his plate and then up at me. He sighed and I saw him thinking about what to respond.

Z: "I'm not supposed to tell you this but well... I'm gonna do so. My moms been chubby for years when she started riding and that was the reason she couldn't get into the top sport before. She started starving herself and eventually got skinny enough to start in the top sport. So that's what she's kinda doing to Ryle now. My mom wants us both in the top sport so badly that she's almost starving Ryle. Whenever Ryle ate chocolate or anything like that she would get screamed at by my mom and get punished with even less food then she already gets which isn't a lot..."

I frowned at the thing he just told me and I felt kind of sorry for Ryle that I never noticed her drink anything other then water. Never a soda or a drink with alcohol... just plain old water. I got so used to it that I didn't remember otherwise.

Z: "my mom makes Ryle train 10 times more and harder then me. Ryle goes on a run everyday, she rides at least 4 horses a day and she trains on the dirt bikes 3 hours straight. I've talked with my mom and dad about it but that woman is out of control to get Ryle into the topsport."

P: "poor Ryle..."

Z: "yea... but tell me about you two... I saw a kiss in the kitchen?"

P: "yea... we're a thing from now on."

Z: "well as long as you don't get into trouble or hurt her I'm alright with it. Just make her happy and if you get out of here in time... take her with you. She needs it more then anything."

P: "I will... thanks Zac."

The door opened making our heads turn and seeing Ryle. She smiled at us as she wore her work out clothes. She sat down next to me and smiled at both us for a few seconds before the door opened again. Her mother came walking out and looked on her phone. She was thinking a little before speaking up.

X: "Ryle you need a 15 kilometer round. You gained weight and I want you to lose it again. A whole kilogram is to much for your chubby body. Afterwards your gonna go and make another 3 hours on the dirt bike and make sure to put warm clothes on so you sweat some extra. I don't care how late your done but I want this done tonight!"

R: "mom... Pierre is here..."

X: "I don't care. He's your boyfriend now so he can come in on our secret."

Ryle looked down as she pulled her hoodie closer to her body. Ryle had nothing to be insecure about. She was skinny almost too skinny. But she was still the most beautiful girl I have ever met...

(1224 words)

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