𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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I walked around the garage when I saw her. It was 2019 and she was back. She wore a pair of jeans with a simple shirt and a pair of white sneakers. She looked happy and waved at me. I smiled back at her and walked towards her. When we reached each other I hugged her tightly into my arms and smiled against her neck. Her arms holding on tight on me as we just rocked side to side softly. We let go off each other as we heard gasps around us. We looked to one of the screens and my whole world fell down. Anthoine crashed into the wall. Ryle wanted to run towards the crash over the circuit but before she could I grabbed her by her waist stopping her from doing so. I picked her up from the ground and as fast as possible walked her to my drivers room where I switched on the television. Tears ran down her eyes as I looked at her. Tears running down both of our faces. I kneeled down in front of her as she was seated on the couch and wiped her tears away.

P: "Please don't cry Ryle..."

R: "I can't help it..."

P: "it's gonna be okay... lots of people walked away from a crash..."

R: "don't sugarcoat it please... you know there are enough people who die."

P: "I know..."

A loud knock echoed through my drivers room and I opened it peeking my head through. My trainer told me to get ready for our race and I gave him a nod.

P: "I need to get ready."

Her face went pale and she softly shook her head. She doesn't want me to go out there. She didn't need words to tell me that. Her body told me enough.

P: "I have to Ryle... it's okay... I'll be careful."

R: "Pierre... please don't go out there."

I stretched out my hands. She laid hers in mine and I gently pulled her off the couch. I wrapped her arms around me and placed my hands on her cheeks. I softly rubbed my thumbs over her soft skin and laid my forehead against hers as she closed her eyes and looked down sinking into my hands.

R: "I love you Pierre... please please please be safe."

P: "I love you more Ryle..."

I softly kissed her lips and afterwards we looked at each other gently. She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest. I kissed her hair before she let go of me and walked to the door. She opened it and before walking out she looked at me with her perfect green eyes.

R: "I'll be waiting for you at the finish..."

She closed the door behind her and before I even knew it myself I opened the door and ran to her grabbing her hand in mine. I kissed her lips even though there were a few people around us. I looked at her beautiful face.

P: "see you at the finish."

She gave me a nod before letting her hand slide out of mine. She left the Torro Rosso building and I went back to my room. I changed myself into my racing suit and then went out to warm-up. I hesitated stepping into the car. I had my helmet on and my visor up as I looked to Ryle who was standing in the garage with a pair headphones on her head. She gave me a tiny reassuring smile and a nod. I sighed with my whole body as she looked at me while fiddling with her shirt. She swallowed as I made my way into the car. I looked into my mirrors and saw her code her eyes and sigh before looking at the tv screen. I wish she could stay in our garage forever... as my lucky charm maybe? I got signed out and drove the car around the circuit to the grid.

The race wasn't too bad. P-9 it is I guess. That's what they told me on the radio 2 seconds ago at least. I pulled up to park ferme and got out as fast as possible before weighting and running to the garage. I didn't see the blonde but quickly talked to my team. When I finished talking to the team manager he told me she was up on the roof. I thanked him and went up. She was sat on the roof as the sun was setting. I walked over the empty roof and sat down behind her with her between my legs. I wrapped my arms around her waist and as she saw my face she let her body relax into my body. She was so fragile in this moment. Her eyes on the edge of crying as she looked into the distance.

P: "it's okay Ryle... I'm here... I'm okay..."

R: "but he wasn't..."

She looked into the track at the corner where Anthoine had crashed and died earlier on.

R: "I can't believe we will never see him again Pierre... he was our best friend... I feel so bad for everything I've done to him."

P: "you just turned down some hang outs... nothing to worry about... we knew your ex husband wasn't allowing you..."

R: "if you hadn't survived today just like him... I would have jumped off the roof... I wouldn't have taken more then that... Zach exactly 2 years ago today... Anthoine today...."

P: "but I'm here. We're gonna be fine. I'll make sure of it. I promise you."

She shook her head softly before turning her gaze to me for the first time only now.

R: "we're gonna make them proud Pierre. We're gonna prove them wrong..."

I hugged her as she rubbed her thumbs over my arms. We staid there in silence as the sunset created a golden light over us.

P: "Ryle... can I ask you something..."

R: "of course."

P: "my trainer is gonna retire in now and 2022... when I find a new trainer sooner he's leaving immediately... I want you to be my trainer... so we can always stay together. Do you want that as well?"

R: "I would love too Pierre."

P: "really?"

R: "yes... really. I have 2 more years of studying and specifying but afterwards... I think I would love that."

(1068 words)

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