𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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I woke up by someone gently caressing my back underneath my shirt as every few seconds a kiss was placed on top of my head. I stretched myself out before opening my eyes and looked at Pierre. He smiled gently at my face as he pushed strands of my blonde long hair behind my ear. He kissed the tip of my nose gently making me crunch my nose. He chuckled softly at me.

P: "your so cute."

I dropped my head back on his chest gently and let him play with my hair as his hand still caressed my back as gently as when I woke up.

R: "I love you..."

Pierre stopped his movements making me frown and look up. His face lightened up as he smiled gently.

P: "I love you more."

I giggled softly as I laid my chin on his chest and smiled softly at him. We staid in bed for a while longer before a knock on the door made us silent.

MP: "Pierre? Ryle? Are you guys awake yet?"

P: "yes mom we're awake."

She opened the door and looked at us for a little. She smiled happily at us. Which was logic. She knew how desperate we were to come back into each other's  life's. Now I'm laying on his bare chest with my sleepy head. His shirt on my body as sleeping shirt with a pair of my own shorts as he wore his own sweatpants.

MP: "I'm making breakfast do you have any request?"

R: "no thank you I'll make us something. The big baby has to stay on diet."

P: "I swear I should have left you on the couch tonight instead of carrying you upstairs..."

MP: "you let her sleep on the couch?"

R: "he did."

MP: "make sure to make something he hates."

P: "mom?!"

Pascale closed the door again and then Pierre pushed my back gently. I pecked his lips gently before climbing out of the bed. I took a clean shirt out of my suitcase and switched them while my back faced to Pierre. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and brushed my hair before pulling it in a messy bun before walking to the door.

P: "where are you going?"

R: "downstairs to make breakfast. Hurry up lazy cow."

P: "I love you too..."

I opened the door and went downstairs. I smiled at Pierre his parents who were already having breakfast.

R: "good morning."

FP: "morning Ryle."

MP: "hai dear. Did you sleep well?"

R: "I slept amazing. The couch is comfortable."

P: "shut up! I brought you upstairs at 1AM."

I giggled softly as he slapped my ass gently so his parents wouldn't notice. I kissed his cheek before walking to the kitchen. I opened the fridge to find enough ingredients for a diet proof breakfast. I placed some protein pancakes in front of Pierre and he looked up at me.

R: "your lucky day."

I placed a jar of Nutella in front of him for on his pancakes and he smiled at me.

P: "thank you."

I ruffled his hair before sitting down next to his dad in front of Pierre. We talked while eating and after Pierre and I were done I grabbed our plates and placed them in the dishwasher. Afterwards Pierre and I changed. I pulled on a pair of my favorite jeans. The blue jeans I wore combined with a simple black t-shirt with a little bit of white text was simple but nice. I pulled on my black Yeezy's and pulled my hair in a mid high ponytail. I walked to the bathroom where Pierre was as well. He was wearing his grey jeans and had a green shirt laying on the ground. A towel hung over his shoulder as his face was full of shaving cream. He looked at me and pecked my lips making shaving cream come on my face.

R: "dirty pig."

He laughed softly at me as he wiped it off my face with his towel. I took out my make-up from my make-up bag. I did some mascara and used a little high lighter in the corner of my eyes, the tip of my nose and my cheekbones. I didn't use a lot of make-up as I didn't think I needed it. When I was done I applied some lip balm and cleaned everything up again. I placed a kiss on Pierre his face just below his eye so I wouldn't get shaving cream on my face again. Whenever I would give him a kiss he would bend down a little as I stood on my tippy toes. I walked out of the bathroom and to Pierre his room. I placed my stuff away and hung my gala dress for tonight up on his closet door so it wouldn't get all wrinkly. Pierre placed a kiss in my neck as he was done trimming his beard.

R: "all cleaned up I see."

I let my hands run over his beard gently as he smiled dramatically at me. I laughed softly before letting go of him.

R: "can you drop me off?"

P: "yea sure where?"

R: "my parents... I think it's time to see them again after all these years..."

P: "I will but you forgot something."

R: "what?"

P: "your piercings. To piss off your mom."

I giggled softly as I shook my head. I took out a tiny box with all the silver rings and placed them in every piercing hole I had. I knew she would hate these that was one of few reasons I got them. When I was done Pierre and I said bye to his parents and climbed into his mom's car. Pierre drove us to the barn I spend a few horrible and good years at. Pierre turned off the engine of the car as I looked out the window.

P: "should I come with you?"

R: "only if you don't mind..."

P: "come on then. We'll go together."

When we opened the car I heard my mother scream in Spanish at someone. A high pitched girls voice screaming no hard. I looked at Pierre and then ran towards the sound.

(1044 words)

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