𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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The graduation ceremony had just ended. We had officially ended high school! Besides that Ryle had finally turned 18 today. I looked to my side to see her smiling at her surroundings. The school was all decorated and it looked so good. She looked at me and her smile faded a little. It was still on those perfect lips of hers but not like a few seconds ago. She gave me a huge hug. I held on tightly to her and let out a soft sigh.

P: "High school is over love."

R: "I know..."

I heard her swallow hard. Something was bothering her but I didn't know what was bothering her so much. I looked at her beautiful eyes and smiled softly to give her a comforting look.

P: "Something wrong?"

R: "Yea..."

P:"You can tell me..."

P:"Can you tell me?"

R:"Outside? Please..."

P:"But it's raining baby. We will get all wet."

R:"I don't mind..."

P:"Okay come on."

It was dark outside as we stood still in the pouring rain. Ryle her eyes were red and her face was stood on the edge of crying.

P:"Ryle... your scaring me... what's wrong baby?"

R:"I'm getting married Pierre..."

P:"What do you mean."

R:"I... some Dutch guy who's name I don't even remember proposed to me the first day I met him but my parents forced me to say yes. It's kind of an arrangement or maybe even a promise they made. I have to move to the Netherlands tomorrow morning. I'll go and study there and... you know... continue my life there... without you and my family...."

She looked down to her feet as her body trembled with sobs. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her head as many times as possible. This was it... this was how we would break apart. She shook her head softly before looking up at me.

R:"This isn't goodbye mi amor... see it as a... see you later. Cause I have a feeling I will see you again. I'll love you... forever...."

She kissed me and before I knew it her hand slit down my chest before she started walking away. One last look over her shoulder before she disappeared into the night. My knees went weak and I collapsed to the ground. Tears flowing from my eyes as I cried and cried. A hand on my shoulder made me look into the eyes of Zac. The same bright green eyes. The green eyes that became addictive to look into. The ones that were like a love poison to me. The one that mesmerized me all those months of being together. But these perfect green eyes... they were attached to the wrong body... the wrong person... not the person I wanted them to be attached too. I wanted Ryle... not Zac... his eyes looked red just like Ryle her eyes did from crying.

Z:"I know Pierre... she told me only before the ceremony. She's leaving mate... nothing we can do. She will get everything she'll ever want... only not the love she deserves... but it will be okay..."

P:"HOW ZAC?! She's the one person I love... she took my heart with her..."

He hugged me as we were soaked with water. After a while I arrived home with my parents. I hadn't told them what happened. I just went to my room straight away and didn't come down ever since. A knock on my door made me sigh. My mom came in with a worried but comforting smile on her face.

P: "There's a delivery for you..."

I climbed out of my bed and followed after her. She opened the door and I saw Zac with his car and one of the dirt bikes behind his car. He was unloading it and he rolled it towards me. The black with orange detailed bike with number 10... Ryle her all time favorite dirt bike she owned with her favorite number. Zac handed it to me as he immediately left again. I looked at it and saw a small note on the keys.

𝒯𝒶𝓀ℯ  𝒸𝒶𝓇ℯ  ℴ𝒻  𝓂𝓎  𝒻𝒶𝓋ℴ𝓇𝒾𝓉ℯ  𝒷𝒾𝓀ℯ  𝓅𝓁ℯ𝒶𝓈ℯ

Her elegant handwriting over the card. I cried as this wasn't just a gift. It was almost a part of her. My mom hugged me as she had been looking over my shoulder at the card.

P: "It's okay my boy."

How one simple happy day turned into the worst day of my life... god I wanted to forget everything about it. Just with one snap I wanted to stop feeling.

(754 words)

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