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season 5, episode 1

' i'll wait till your ankle is
fully healed and i'll break it again '

people erupted into loud cheers and and claps as we all watched the construction workers tear down the old dusty building

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people erupted into loud cheers and and claps as we all watched the construction workers tear down the old dusty building.

"why they tearing it down?" debbie rode up to us in her bike.

"asbestos." carl replied quickly and watched them struk down the building once again.

"all right, i'm leaving. i've seen enough." debbie tried to ride off but carl stopped her with his crutches.

"wait, give me a ride home on the back of that thing." carl asked.

"can't. got to run an errand then going to school." debbie replied. i laughed at him and picked up my bike.

"i'm coming with you, debs." i tied my hair up in a ponytail and got on the bike.

"why are you going to school. i'm not." carl shrugged his shoulders.

"it's the last day. you have to go." debbie rolled her eyes.

"dumbass." i muttered under my breath. carl looked at me and hit me with the bottom of his crutches.

"why. so i can figure out how to flunk sixth grade again? yeah, i'll do that next year. come on, just give me a ride. any one of you." he looked in between us.

"no way. i'm not letting you on, you'll make the bike fall." i furrowed my brows.

"plus you can't even fit on my bike with that giant gimp leg." debbie added on.

"these crushes are killing my wrists. i cant even jack off that well." he glanced at his wrist.

"your disgusting, carl." i commented and he hit me again. "i swear to god, carl. if you hit me again i'll wait till your ankle is fully healed and i'll break it again." i spat at him. he rolled his eyes at me and turned to debbie.

"you should've thought about that before you busted up you're ankle on your stupid skateboard. see you." debbie rod off and i followed behind her.

"debs, i think imma go straight to school." i ride right next to her.

"why so you can go see that hot teacher?" she joked, but it wasn't a joke. i've always been attracted to him and debbie knows every one of my secrets. she catches on.

"maybe." i bit my lip and rod away. "scarlet, you're so disgusting!" she shouted as i rod to the high school.

i lock up my bike and look at the large building. i smile and head into the school. "hey, scar. i'm having this party tonight. you should come over." some tall guy leaned up against his locker while we made direct eye contact.

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