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season 6, episode 4

' you don't wanna marry me '

loud footsteps were heard as i had fallen back asleep from dropping scooty off at school

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loud footsteps were heard as i had fallen back asleep from dropping scooty off at school. i turn my head thinking to see debbie.

"blue?" i whispered as he caressed my face and body with his bare hand. he silently looked at me as i gave him the most confused look.

i couldn't believe what i was seeing. weather it was a dream or not i didn't wanna wake up.

blue took his shoes off and lied on my body. i pulled him in tightly as he began to sob into the crook of my neck. i took his hat off and comforted the crying man.

"i love you." he cried into me.

"i love you too, baby." i kissed his head.

"that lawyer save me, yo. shit, you saved me. shoulda seen the way this guy was running around the courtroom, crazy telling them what to do with me. gangster." blue chuckled as we sat waiting for our food at patsies.

"you should save that guys number." blue smiled.

"you feel this?" blue asked me.

"yeah." i took in his hand and smiled. i couldn't believe he was here.

"i wanna marry you, scarlet. will you marry me?" blue looked into my eyes.

"marry you?" i let out a small laugh.

"will you?" he raised a brow.

"you're not serious. you don't wanna marry me, blue." i shook my head.

"i'm dead fucking serious, and i do wanna marry you, baby." he kissed me hand.

"marry me. we can raise scooty together, have our own kids, get our own place." he imagined.

"but we're so young." i couldn't believe what was happening.

"yeah but something like this only happens once in a lifetime."

i took in his manner and my face fell straight. i slowly started to nod my head. i kissed him from across the table.

"let's go back to your place." blue said into the kiss and i nodded my head.

once i had reached my room blue was on top of me in seconds grinding against me. i yanked off his shirt and un did his pants as he did the same with me. he pulled off my underwear and began to press hard against my entrance.

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