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season 5, episode 4

' i'm not putting all my
trust in them to pull out on time '

' i'm not putting all my trust in them to pull out on time '

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"hey. what's up, yo? how's your day looking?" fiona jumped down the steps and kissed liam in his head.

"well, me and scarlet were thinking we should go on the pill." debbie announced.

"so, you're gonna be—" fiona reached for a bowl.

"well since things are over with matty, i figure it's best to be prepared for next time, don't you?" debbie asked.

"also i've been meaning to get on the pill for a while now." i cleared my throat.

"well there's more than pregnancy to worry about. how about we stick to condoms?" fiona raised a brow.

"they're only 82% effective. i should use the pill as a back-up." debbie informed her.

"condoms break, the male usually doesn't have a condom and i'm not putting all my trust in them to pull out on time." i shrugged my shoulders.

"good point. i'll make an appointment at planned parenthood." fiona poured milk in her bowl.

"i got to run." carl ran down the stairs.

"huh, like you need to be somewhere." debbie raised her brow.

"while your sitting on your lazy ass i'll be at my job." carl commented.

"what job?" fiona asked. "and please eat more than just a pop-tart." fiona handed him a banana.

"i got hired at the fruit market." carl shrugged his shoulders.

"you only said that because she handed you a piece of fruit. what would you even do there? you cant even walk." debbie yelled at him.

"that reminds me, i got a job too." i got up and put my empty bowl in the sink and started to wash it.

"uh, morning." some guy came down the stairs.

"everybody, this is gus. we got in late last night and, well, you're meeting him now. that's, uh, debbie." she pointed at debs.


"scarlet." she pointed and me and i waved.

"and liam."

"hi." debbie introduced herself.

"who are you again?" carl asked.

"he's with fiona, stupid." debbie said as i rinsed the soap off the bowl. "she mentioned him, like, 20 times." debbie rolled her eyes.

"boyfriend and girlfriend or just fuck buddies?" carl asked, bluntly.

"welcome to my family." fiona smiled and handed gus a cup of coffee.

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