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season 5, episode 8



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"heyy." i laughed as i sat on the top of matt's car.

"what are you doing?" he rushed over to me.

"nothing." i tilted me head.

"you're acting out." he yanked me arm and pulled me off his car.

"what are you doing?" i pushed him off me.

"you think i want people to see you here?" he whisper yelled and pulled me to the front door.

"get off me." i gritted through my teeth.

"scarlet, why are you acting like this?" he yelled at me.

"let me go." i pulled him off me.

"yeah! come back to me when you stop acting like a bitch!" he yelled as i walked away. i turned back to him and gazed into his eyes.

"why the fuck are you acting like this!" i yelled into his face.

"i should've never got with you, you're just a kid." he ignored my previous remark and stared me down.

my face fell straight and i looked at him.

"you don't mean that." i shook my head.

"i do." he spat.

i looked him up and down and walked away from him, for good.

i walked into the gallagher house, wiping my tear stained face.

"hey, is ian home?" i asked debs as she smiled at her phone.

"yep, he's upstairs." she said as her eyes were glued on the device.

i walked up the stairs and stood at the boys door.

"hey." i walked up to the red head.

"i missed you." i pulled him into a hug.

"you okay?" he looked at my puffy eyes.

"yeah. i'll be fine. if you need anything i'll be in my room, okay?" i placed a hand on his shoulder.

"okay." he mumbled.

i walked out the bedroom and walked into mine and debs shared room. i plopped down onto my bed and knocked out.

"IAN!" debbie shouted as she walked into our room.

"what's wrong debs?" i rubbed my eyes.

"ian's pills, they're all gone." she breathed out. i jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs.

"IAN!" me and debs shouted in unison.

debs grabbed her jacket and we ran out to find ian standing by the pool.

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