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season 5, episode 10

' i've kinda been itching for
something stronger '

"DEBBIE, SHUT UP!" i shouted on the top of my lungs as debbie sung some rap song

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"DEBBIE, SHUT UP!" i shouted on the top of my lungs as debbie sung some rap song. my head was pounding from all the alcohol and drugs i took the night before.

"12 gauge on my waist 'bout to waste your cousin fade away in the fog you a memory dog." debbie's voice fadded away.

"oh, fuck." i rubbed my eyes and sat up. i looked at myself from a distance in a mirror and saw my spiraled out hair and deep dark bags under my eyes.

i looked like an absolute mess.

my eyes scattered around the messy room, eyes meeting my small hiding spot. i dig into the small spot and take out a couple of small pills.

i dry swallow the two oxy pills and hide the bag.

i then started to get ready and put on a reveling white tank top, that you could see my bra though and paired it with some jeans. i then grabbed my hoop earrings and slid them into the holes of my ears.

i'd taken a shower the night before i went to the party so i decided to shower later. i brushed my teeth and walked down the stairs to find sammi still living in our house.

"hey, ian. hey, mickey." i smiled as i ignored sammis name.

"you look like shit." mickey looked at me.

"i know." i sarcastically smiled and him and then flipped him off.

"hey, scar." ian mumbled while he poured himself coffee.

"hey. how you feeling?" debs asked ian.

"not feeling." ian looked up at her.

"that's an improvement. at least you're not swinging baseball bats at my head." debbie joked but i didn't seem like one to ian as guilt filled his face.

"stinks in here." debs scrunched up her face.

"yeah, it's 'cause the milk went bad." mickey dumped out the old sour milk.

"nobody put it away?" debs asked.

"that milk is part of the gallagher household, of which i am no longer a member, and therefore not responsible." sammi spoke from the table.

"then why the fuck are you here?" i gave her a death stare.

"apartment listings. calling around today." sammi waved a news paper.

"what's up with the water faucet?" debbie tried to turn in the sink.

"guess nobody paid the water bill." sammi said.

"but i took a shower this morning." debbie furrowed her brows.

"lucky you. they must have just shut it off." sammis voice perked.

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