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season 6, episode 6

' frank gets what he wants and then leaves '

"hello?" i opened the apartment door to see my sister standing i front of me

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"hello?" i opened the apartment door to see my sister standing i front of me.

"scarlet!" debbie smiled widely.

"how'd you find me?" i squinted my eyes.

"i asked around and leah said you were here." she tried to peep inside the apartment.

"who's at the door?" leo came up behind me.

"um, leo. this is my sister debbie." i introduced her to him.

"nice to meet you." leo smiled.

"you too. so um, im having a gender reveal party and i want you to come, your friend here can join too if he wants." debbie proposed.

"uh, i don't know debs. im kinda busy." i ran my fingers through my hair. her face fell straight and looked over at my arms seeing the visible track marks.

"um, we'll see though." i hid my arm behind the door.

"mmh." debbie nodded and gave me a look.

"bye, debs." i slammed the door in her face.

"fiona's not coming?" carl asked as we stood around the table.

"we can just start without her. so, thank you guys all so much for coming!" debbie thanked everyone.

"bathroom?" nick asked the lady.

"oh, door, right down the hallway." she pointed.

"um, so as you guys know, i kind of wanted to keep the gender of my baby a surprise, but erica here, who's been like a mother to me, suggested i throw this party and include everyone. so, that's what i did!" debbie sounded happy.

erica's phone began to rang and i switched my attention over to her.

"it's my doctor. um, i have to take this, so sorry. i'll just be, i'll be one sec." erica excused herself.

"are you high?" debbie glared at me.

"why do you care?" i spat back.

"the fuck?" carl heard a car engine and ran out the door.

"wait! carl!" debbie called after him.

"ugh." debbie sighed and looked back at me.

"what?" i looked at her.

"scarlet, if you want to be apart of my life you've got to stay clean. no more drugs. i'm not raising my baby around that!" debbie raised her voice.

"oh but franks your only exception? debbie, you do know that frank is only using you. frank gets what he wants and then leaves." i picked up my coat and left the house

"she's such a bitch." i groaned as i passed the blunt.

"she's your sister though." leo replied.

"mmh, do you have any siblings?" i furrowed my brows.

"nope, just me and my mom." he sighed.

"what about your dad?" i asked him.

"passes away when i was younger." he shrugged.

"oh, i'm sorry for your loss." i said to him as he passed back the blunt.

"it's alright, it was like 13 years ago." leo laughed. i laughed beside him awkwardly as i began to feel more relaxed.

"so, you don't have a boyfriend?" leo raised an eyebrow.

"no." i shook my head and chuckled. blue was in jail for life, there was no future with him.

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