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season 5, episode 7

' why do you need condoms?
you get no play '

"scarlet, carl, chuckie! get your asses down here or i'm giving your pancakes to the next homeless guy i see

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"scarlet, carl, chuckie! get your asses down here or i'm giving your pancakes to the next homeless guy i see." sammi yelled. i rolled my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror.

"what the fuck is that smell?" i block my nose and open up my door to enter the hallway. i look at carl and see him spray his entire bottle of axe towards the bathroom door.

"it stinks like shit." i waved my arm around my nose.

"yeah, thanks to chuckie." he rolled his eyes and ran down the stairs. i followed me behind him and flipped my hair out of my face.

"chuckie turned on the chocolate faucet upstairs in the bathroom." carl took a seat at the table. i then took a spot next to debs and nodded my head in agreement.

"ew, he's making hot sloppys?" debbie said in disgust.

"uh-oh. i know what this is about." sammi sighed.

"what the six churros he ate last night?" carl joked as i laughed.

"he's not wrong about that." i chuckled.

"no, he's nervous to start at a new school. it's his fourth one. he gets beat up, a lot." she stirred whatever she was making in the bowl.

"way too much lip liner, young lady." sammi yelled and i looked at debs using her phone as a mirror and applied lip liner.

"it's not that bad." i glared at sammi and helped debs clean the side of her lips.

"when did you become my mother." debbie rolled her eyes.

"i've had enough back talk from you." sammi raised her voice.

"she's putting all that skank makeup on to get out of the friend zone with that derek dude." carl looked at sammi.

"we're not in the friend zone! right, scar?" debbie looked at me and i shrugged my shoulders.

"how does he touch your arm? if he punches it, it means you guys are friends. if he squeezes it, it means he likes you." carl informed debs.

"it's none of your business." debbie got up and grabbed mine and hers backpacks.

"carl, do me a favor." sammi walked up to the table and took debs spot.

"what do i get for it?" he asked her.

"a favors supposed to come from the bottom of your heart." sammi crossed her arms.

"that's bullshit." i mumbled.

"you do realize who you're talking to, right?" carl raised a brow.

"take chuckie under your wing. make sure the kids don't pick in him, okay?" sammi asked him.

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