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season 5, episode 12

' i'm not gonna quit.
not for you, and definitely
not for anyone else '

 not for you, and definitely not for anyone else '

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"shawty, get up." blue kissed my neck which caused me to wake up.

"mmh. what time is it?" i fluttered my eyes open.

"6:00." he kissed my cheek.

"shit." i got up and put on my bra.

"you got somewhere to be, ma?" blue asked me as i placed all my clothing back on.

"gotta get home. don't know if anyones up to take care of my brother. also got school." i tucked my hair behind me ear and looked back at blue.

"i'll see you later, okay?" i pecked his lips and walked to the door.

"good morning, sweetheart." a man walked up to me as i smoked my last cigarette on the steps of blues apartment.

"morning?" i furrowed my brows and squinted my eyes, due to the sunlight.

"what kinda girl like you is doin out here?" the man cocked a brow and let out this sheepish smile.

"i live here." i inhaled the smoke.

"the south side? this ain't the place for you, ma." the man chuckled.

"whatever that means." i shrugged my shoulders.

"hmm, alright. be safe, sweetheart." the man left without saying another word.

i put in my headphones and blasted '$hrimp poboy' as i jogged my way back to home.

i walked into the gallagher house and took off my sweater. i glanced at the couch and saw someone that i thought i wouldn't see.


"the fuck are you doing here?" i furrowed my brows and saw the man who's leg started to bounce up and down.

"we need to talk, baby." he got up and tried to come closer to me.

"no the fuck we don't." i pushed him away.

"why are you here?" i asked him again.

"i got into some trouble. they found out about me being with some students. please just, let me stay here for a bit. just until i get this worked out." matt pleaded.

i wasn't the only one he slept with?

"you think imma let you stay here after you treated me like that? you deserve to be in prison you piece of fucking shit. now get out my fucking house!" i yelled at him and pushed him closer to the door.

"please, baby. please. you're the only one i've got." he cupped my face and i slapped him.

"don't ever touch me again." i gritted through my teeth and pushed him out the door.

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