Handle the problems when it's smaller, when it's ignored too long things might get out of hands.
Similarly is the issue of Climate Change (Global warming especially) and also with superstitious or selfish mindets and judgy views of society. If things aren't changed for the better soon by everyone, it would destroy and worsen the lives of your generations and the future. There's still some time, don't ignore. Start making changes, spread love to all, animals and plants too, plant trees, feed birds and stray animals , spread support to those who need, heal the broken, teach and create awareness about issues and not get manipulated by others or societal views. Live the way you want, you need not satisfy other's dreams. It's your life to live, love yourself, but also, don't break some innocent's heart for that. Self love isn't in hurting or ignoring the ones who are there for you. It's for spreading love in you, and from you to all. #MakeChange #SavePlanet
Coz the biggest issue isn't climate change, it's the fact many humans have stopped having humanity and losing sanity day by day. Let's not be inhuman towards others, when we're born human? Serve and preserve the "Humanity" in world. ♥️
Ignorance isn't the best policy when it comes to make a better change. Acting for the change matters.
Switch to Ecosia to support the planet :D i too use it since years. It's a nice search engine i told before, which uses its funds to plant trees across globe; search bout it to find more if interested.
Wanderer Of The Moonlit Night
DiversosCHECK THE LATEST UPDATE: "Hurting is No joke", "Healthy vs Toxic Criticsm" and "Dear Future Parents" I post articles and messages i want to convey to the world around me in this book! Just a try to change the world, when most people were saying it's...