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Mika's POV

I was walking down the hallway wondering why Krul has called me to her throne room. It has been 4 years since that unfortunate incident happened and now I am a half-vampire. I miss yuu a lot and I am going to save him, If only I could get out of sanguinem. I heard that there is going to be a war soon between the vampires and the Japanese Imperial Demon Army and that Krul is going to be a part of it. I just hope among the chaos, I can save yuu.

I reached the throne room when I saw another female vampire standing next to Krul's throne. She had her head down. She was wearing the vampire uniform. I couldn't really make out her face but I did notice that her hair colour was Balck with red tips.

"Ahh Mika, your here."Krul said as she took her gaze off the other vampire and turned to me. "As you may already know, I am going to take part in a war between the vampires and the filthy humans." "Yes I am aware." I said slowly. "I called you here to introduce you to my sister, Hirashi Tepes. She is here as a new blood giver for you, As I am leaving for a war that takes 6 months, Hirashi over here will feed you with all the blood you need. She is a  2/4 vampire, 1/4 demon and 1/4 human, now you might be thinking why she is a demon, well my dear sister over here ran away from her home and joined hands with the humans, but I am not mad. So I really hope the two of you get along well." Krul finished as she placed her hands together. "I appreciate your concern for me." I said. Krul turned to her so called sister and started talking to her. "Hira I need you to know that I am not mad at you, after these 6 months you can go back to shinjuku. I have taken you here by force because you did not accept our invitation. Listen here, You are going to have to provide Mika with blood, knowing your attitude I beg you to not hesitate as without blood Mika cannot survive. Please Hira." Krul ended with a soft sigh. I never seen her so calm before, she behaves just like a caring sister. Honestly I am suprised.

The other vampire let out a slight 'tch' and faced krul. That is when I noticed two dark ruby red orbs glaring into Krul's. This is the darkest shade of red I ever seen, darker than Krul's or Ferid's. "I never wanted to be here, I never asked any of you blood suckers to turn me into a vampire, did I? I am here as a result of what you did 12 years ago Krul." Hirashi exclaimed with hatred in her eyes. "Don't dig in the past Hirashi." Krul tried calming the black haired vampire but she just kept talking. "Ohh you think I have to forget about the past that still keeps haunting me, You are happy now, you got what you wanted, you became the Queen, but have you ever fucking thought about mine and Asuramaru's feelings. My brother, no our brother left us because of  what you did. He is now out there somewhere trapped inside a cursed weapon." Hirashi kept on saying with a hint of sorrow in her voice." "Hirashi I said I am sorry for what happened, and I promise you we will bring pack Asuramaru. Krul said with a soft voice. "Yeah right, this is the exact same thing you told last time. Am I ever going to have a normal conversation with you?' Hirashi finishes as she walked out of the room completely ignoring my presence. "I am really sorry you had to see her like that, there are a lot of things happening and I am sure Hirashi will tell you about it once you gain her trust, but for now you have to follow her to your new room as you will be in need for blood any moment, so you will have to share a room with Hirashi, so that she can feed you any time without fail. I know Hirashi looks pretty and stuff but if it wasn't for her stupid attitude. Mika please bear with her and If you can please change her into a better person, like you." Krul said as she sat back down on her throne.

'Wow did I just witness someone talking shit to the Queen, if it was someone else Krul would have killed that person right at that moment. What did Krul do 12 years ago that pissed Hirashi off this much. How am I supposed to change this girl into a better person. What did she mean by like me. Am I really that good?' I thought as I caught up with the certain vampire.

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